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作者:未知 时间:2020-10-23 阅读:( )

九上 M1

1. The Great Wall of China is one of the w________ (奇迹 ) of the world.

2. There are several ways to solve this problem. Let's have a d__________ (讨论) now.

3. She d________ (讨论) how to solve the problem with Tom just now.

4. T_______(虽然) they are twin brothers, they don't look like each other.

5. The radio isn't l______(响亮的) enough; could you turn it up?

6. The book is, in Henry's o_______(看法), the best book on the subject.

7. M_______(百万) of yuan has gone into the building of this factory.

8. He gave me no chance to r_______(回答) to his question

9. She was a famous star of the s_______(无声的) movies

10. The weather didn't c _______(晴朗的) until noon that day

11. . The sun r______(升起) behind me and shone on the rocks.

12. The population of the city has r _______(上升) to five million.

13. The house price still keeps r_______(上升)

14. He r________(举起) his hat to me as a sign of respect.

15. If the sun s________(照耀) brightly, the weather is usually warm.

16.She is a n_______(天生的) athlete.

17.He lives in the e________(东边) part of the city.

18.When it falls b________(在……下面)zero, it will be cold.

19.Looking around , I could see no s________(迹象) of life.

20.The Smiths r________(逗留)there all through the year.

21.It took us a whole week to go t________(穿过)the forest.

22.Tom lives in the e________(东边) of Hefei.

23.I came to the city two years ago. I have worked here for n________(差不多)two years.

24.My father is over sixty, he has g________(灰色的)hair.

25.There is a s________(小河) running through the small village.

26.The s________(银制的) ring was made in Thailand.


1. He gets the _______ (one) place in the English test this time.

2. Tom will come on the ________ (twelve) of this month.

3. There are _______days in a week. Saturday is the _________ day . (seven)

4. This is my ______(three) time to come to UK.

5. Mr. Green has _______ children. Tom is the youngest. He is the-_______ child. (nine)

6. He is the _________ (twenty-one) Leagu Member in our class.

7. The People's Republic of China was _______(创建 ) on October1st,1949.

8.I didn't wake up _______ ( 直到……为止 )I heard the alarm clock.

9.Where are you spending the v _______ (假期) ?

10.I'll write to you _______ ( 一……就…… ) I get there.

11.She's been studying hard _______ ( 从那以后)

12.He was sitting _______ (在……之中)a group of children.

13.The headmaster gave a long _______ (演讲)to the school.

14.She g _______ (种植) vegetables behind her house.

15. You may _______ (摆放)supper on the table.

16. I found a wallet ______ on the ground. A. laying B. lying C. lay D. lie

17.My little son _______ (摆放餐桌) before meals.

18.Mary celebrated her _______ (第二十)birthday last Saturday.

19.Spring is my favorite s (季节).

20.I would like to t _______ (去度假).

21.She said she would leave the _______ (接下来的)day.

22.People in North China like eating _______ (谷物).

23. There are _______ (各种各样的)books in our school library.

24. We are enjoying _______ (我们自己)in the park.

同义句 We are _______ (玩得高兴)in the park.

25.Young p _______ (少先队员)all wear red scarves.

26. June is the _______ (第六) month of a year.

27.He lives on the _______ (第十)floor of this building .

28.We will have three days o _______ (休息) on Tomb-sweeping Day.

29.We raise the national f _______ (旗帜)every Monday

30.My husband washes the d _______ (盘,碟) after meals.

31.The Beatles is my favourite b _______ (乐队).

32. The meeting is o _______ (结束的).

33.The books are given to the k _______ (孩子) in poor areas.

34.He won the _______ (第四) place in the running competition yesterday.


1.My work i ________ (包括,包含) cooking meals, cleaning the house and so on.

2.I have much work to do, i_____ (包括,包含)cooking meals and cleaning the house.

3.She completed her doctor's d _______(学位) in the university.

4.Deng Yaping has won four gold m _______(奖牌) in the Olympics.

5.He didn't a_______ (上学,参加)school yesterday because of his illness.

6.We try to go a___ _(到国外) at least once a year.

7.Don't lose heart, w_________(无论什么)you do.

8.Do you think you can_________(放弃) the bad habit?

9.She was a _______(感到惊人的) at the____ (惊人的,极好的)wonder at that time.

10.He visits his s ___ (生病的)uncle in hospital every day.

11.Tom has been i ___(生病的) for a week because of the serious i________ (疾病).

12.She is a person with a strong w_____(意志,决心).

13.People come from everywhere to celebrate the v______ (胜利).

14.It's not s______(实在,的确) a question of money.

15.They come from C_____(加拿大) and they are C______ (加拿大人).

16.We are very proud of the b______(勇敢的) s______(士兵)who ______(为…而死) our country in the w______(战争).

17.The beggar d______(死于内因) hunger and cold.

18.The old man d__________ (死于外因) a traffic accident.

19.The dentist(牙医) will t______(治疗) my tooth.

20.He has a w______(伤口) in the arm.

21.The w______(受伤的)man is now out of danger.

22.The thief w______(伤害) her in the arm with his knife.

23. She r______(实现) her dream at last.

25.Because of the doctor's c_____(照顾), he is quite well again.

26. Edison was one of the greatest ________ (invent) in the world. During his lifetime, he i_____(invent) many i _________ (invent) in his life.

27.Jerry is doing his homework on his own .That means he is doing his homework by h_______(他自己).

28.How did you m_________(设法完成) to get there in time?

29.What t_______(工具)do the farmers use when they are working in the fields?

30.She is having an o_______(手术) on her leg.

31.He c________(继续) writing while in hospital.



1,The train is leaving from _________(月台)2.

2,I can't______错过 two weeks of school.

3,My bike is m _________(丢失的,不见的).

4,The door is s______(关上) and the window is________(锁).

5,The girl can do some s_____(简单的)housework. She is s________(的确)the best.

6,My_____(闹钟) _______(铃响) loudly to wake me up every morning.

7,He asked all _______(乘客) to get on the plane i________(马上).

8,The man moved to his new house and I don't know his______地址.

9,He has gone to Shanghai. He will be back in c_____ (两个) of weeks.

_____(实际上), my parents manage every minute of my life.

10,He worked for 69 hours without _____(停止) and _____(设法) to save over 100 lives.

11,I became so______(厌烦的) with their______(命令) that I wished they would leave me alone.

12,Although my parents were very______(担心的) about ______(离开) me, they had to go away on_______(生意).

13,I ______(高兴地) threw my schoolbag on the ______(沙发) and ____(吃) a lot of ______(零食).

14, I liked the games so much that I played until ________(半夜).

15,With an_____(空的) _________(胃), I was ______(不能的) to play basketball with classmates.

16, I tried to cook some rice, but I _______(烧糊) it.

17,After three days, I finished all the _______(任务).


1,You aren't allowed to take photos. It's against the r_ules_________.(规则).

2, The shop is d_ownstairs_________(楼下) and the Technology room is 3, upstairs________.(楼上)

3,Do as you're told, or you'll be in t_rouble___________(麻烦)

4,You mustn't drive into a street with a "No _entry__________" (进入权) sign.

5,Please do not e_nter_________(进入)before knocking on the door.

6,No w_onder_________(怀疑) she is ill! She eats next to nothing.

7,Their teacher p_unished_________(惩罚) them for their rudeness yesterday。

8,She will have an e_xperiment_______(展览会) of her pictures.

9,You can learn about c_ommunications_______ ____ (通信) and the environment, as well as maths, p_hysics_______(物理) and c_hemistry_______(化学) on the second and third floors?

10, The students will have three e__xperiment____________(实验)in the laboratory tomorrow.

11,Don't worry, we have everything under c_ontrol_______(操纵)

12,,Compare___________(比较) your answers with those at the back of the book to see if they are right

13, The boy can tell the w_hole____(整个的) story.

14,It is no g_ood____(好的) hiding our heads under our wings.

15,,They are digging____(挖掘)a tunnel through the hill.

16,Tom takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of energy______(能量) .He is energetic_________ (精力充沛的)

17,The police have not found the missing_________(失踪的) child.

18,I bought her a toy duck that ran upon little w_heel_________(轮子)

19,We can only seat two in that t_ruck_________(卡车)

20, You can leave your umbrella in the e_ntrance__________(入口)




1. I'll try to make a ______ (协议) with him.

2. Mr.Brown ______ (未能达到)in getting a job.

3. If he doesn't work hard, he'll fail his ______ (考试) .

4.You mustn't ______ (养成……的习惯) smoking.

5. It's a ______ (遗憾)you have to leave so soon.

6. I am doing ______ (志愿者)work for a ______ (社区)center.

7. Let's go hiking _______ _______(而不是)staying at home, shall we?

8. He didn't travel to Dalian, but went to Hangzhou ______ (代替,而不是).

9. We are ______ (考虑) building a library here.

10. _______ _______ (至少) , it will prove that you are _______(诚实的).

11. If you tell your father the ______ (事实,真相), he will not_______ _______ _______ (生某人的气) you..

12. Steve should ___________(道歉) to his father and pay the_________(账单).

13. I save _______ _______(零花钱)to buy a birthday gift for my mum.

14. Please _______ _______(拜访) and see us some time.

15. Let's _______ _______(试验)your method. It seems very good.

16. He could_______ _______ (不再)find the documents anywhere!

17. —Mum, my bike is broken. —You can ask your father to r________(修理) it for you.

18. That's not the p_______(观点,看法).

19.Taking part in outdoor activities can help us increase ________(知识).

20.My brother is good at playing many _______ _______(乐器),but he likes playing the _______(吉他) best.

21. He did not go to school yesterday. The _______(原因) is that he was ill .



1,To my s ________ (惊奇, 惊讶),they lost!

2,The s ________ (令人惊奇的) success makes us very happy.

3,We're s ________ (感到惊讶的)at your words.

4,A lion e ________ (逃离,逃脱)from its cage yesterday.

5,Confucius is a great t (思想家)in China.

6,He is w (著名的) for his w________ (明智的)thought.

7,We are still i____________ (影响,作用于)by his thought.

8,He is r__________ (尊敬)by Chinese people.

9,There is a lot of s________(道理,意义)in what she has said.

10,Can you (易理解,合情理)of what he said?

11,S ________ (猜想,认为) he is absent, what shall we do?

12,Everyone is s ________ (猜想,认为)to wear a seat-belt in the car.

13,Her son has ________ (遇上困难,麻烦) again.

14, Don't let him _______ (逃走,逃跑).

15, We have to take a________ (行为,举止) to stop them.

16,I have something to d _______ (讨论) with you.So let's have a d________ (讨论).

17,Our teacher asked us to write a r________ (评论)for the event.

18,Flying was an exciting a ________ (冒险) for him.

19,I think you should give up football________ (一度,暂时).

20,Her n ________ (邻居) are kind to her.

21,Jim' f________ (葬礼) will be held on Sunday.

22,He is one of the greatest writers a________ (活着的) in China.

Hainan island is in the s________ (南方) of China.

23,Hainan island is in the s________ (南方的) part of China.

24,He has to ________ (为…付出代价) what he has done.

25,Joe plays football e________ (每天,天天) and it is one of his e ________ (每天的,日常的) activities.

26,Now let's make a d________ (对话) together.


1,I am ________(训练) for the big match next week.

2,They ________(打败) us last week. We'll ______(赢)this time.

3,If my ________(记忆) is correct, HAS 98_______(比分)to BIG52.

4,Daming wasn't______(选择) for the team this time. That was a bad_______(决定)

5,I don't want to listen to your _________(借口)

6,There's no __________(差别) between the two teams.

7,How many _______(比赛)have you played_______(反对)HAS this year?

8,This is a _______(真实的) story, Face the_______(现实).You're t________(真实地)sorry.

9,Don't ______(踢) the ball. They'll be m_______(生气的) at you.

10, Liu xiang is a __________() sportsman.He is a_________(象征) of __________(勇气) and____________(成功). He __________(成功) in getting gold_________(奖牌) many times.

11,Liu Xiang was___________(鼓励) to train for the high jump at first.

12,His _________(能力)in hurdling was_________(注意)by his __________(教 练) Sun Haiping

13,His races were_______(记录),and he was __________(比较)with other players.

14,He used the ___________(信息)to change his________(训练)__________(方法)

In 2004 he ________(打破) the Olympic Games_________(记录).

15,It was the first time an Olympic gold medal was________(悬挂) round the neck of a sportsman from an_______(亚洲的) country.

16,From 2008 on, he ________(遭受) a lot from his foot problem.

17,Though he missed some c___________(比赛), he never felt sorry.

18,We _________(继续) to take __________(骄傲) in him.

19,It is a pity that his foot problem stopped him from c__________(完成) the 2012 London Olympic Games.


1,You can b________(借) this dictionary from the library.

2,Every evening, my mother l______________(浏览)magazines at home.

3,Let your listener answer one question _______________(每次)

4,All these toys are made ________(用手), not on a machine.

5,You can not l________(借) it to others.

6,The bad news often s___________(传播)more quickly than the good news.

7,Can you p________(张贴) the picture on the wall?

8,She spent a huge a________(数量)of money on that coat.

9,After school the children separated in all d________(方向).

10,Books will be r________ (代替) by computers one day.

11,You should read the i_______________(说明书)before you take the medicine.

12,The radio is broken.I must have it f________(修理)

13,With the fast d______________(发展)of agriculture,people in China are living a happy life.

14,It is necessary to make an i________________(介绍) at a party.

15,As a ________(结果)of earthquakes,many people became homeless.

16,The data ________(储存)in the computer's m ________(储存器)

17,You can visit some w ________(网站)on the Internet in your free time.

18, I like to read books on e______________(电子的)music。

19,From the dictionary you will learn how to say and use the word p_____(合适地)

20,I would like to have a s________(单个的)room,facing south.

21,Can you tell me the benefits of t ________(交易)with foreign countries?

22,There are v_______(各种各样的) f________(种类)of information on the Internet.

23,There were t________(千)of people there.

24,Tony sent me a m________(邮件)yesterday。

25, We m________(主要地)got information from paper books.

26,We often use online t________(教科书)in our school.

27,With the invention of the computer and e___________(电子的) ________(技术)

it is easy to get information on the Internet.

28,The Internet is ________________(有影响力的)than books。

29,Someone with an Internet c________(连接) can find information much more easily.


1. ________ (根据)English law, Hubert is innocent.

2. That island is a ________ (神奇的) place to get married.

3. There are some things that you can't change, like your _______(身高).

4. He took a pair of s ________ (剪刀)and cut her hair.

5. Kate ________ (把…从…剪/切下) some flowers from the bush.

6. The boys ________ (讨厌) doing homework on Sundays.

7. The dentist says we should b________ (刷) our teeth at least twice a day.

8. I had to ________ ants ________ (把某物从某物上刷掉)my clothes.

9. Does it lie off the ________ (在东北的)coast of Australia?

10. K______ the child ________ (使不靠近) the barking dog.

11. He is tired.You must try to k ________ him ________ (work).


12.I was s________ (对…感到惊奇)seeing him there.

13. This was the most difficult ________ (阶段,时期) of his life.

14. They believe that his ________ ( 灵魂) lives on after death.

15. I'm always in high s ________ (情绪).

16. There is a ________ (关系)between diet and cancer.

17. I see some ________ (绵羊)on the mountain.

18. We can get ________ (羊毛) and mutton from sheep.

19. Tom is very _______(懒惰的). He never cleans his room.

20. It's a ten-minute _____ (乘车)on the bus.

21. Sydney Opera House that is in Sydney is like a huge ____ . (帆船)

22.A k_______(袋鼠)is an animal that can jump high .

23.The Australians have British ________ (亲戚).

24.Most Australians love going to the beach for swimming and _______ (冲浪).

25. ________ (火腿) is made from pork.

26. ________ (葡萄) are made into wine.

27.He has a habit of ________ (写日记) every day. 28.I like eating ________ ( 色拉) made by my mother.

九上M 11

1,The _________整体的,普遍的 __________标准,水平 of the c__________比赛 is much higher this year.

2,I have a ________感觉 that we can solve these____________困难 .What are the ___________主题 this year?

3, Take some________照片 of Beijing and ____增加 some photos of Cambridge that you took _________最近

3, ___________ 相比with other years, we r_________收到 many more photos.

4, Her photo shows a person________冲,奔 across a street on a _______有风的 evening. It is a beautiful girl who is wearing a _________女寸衫 and a __________短裙子, and who is __________ 保护her books _________对着,对抗 the ___________阵雨.

5, The photos shows that some of the _________ 经历of a young_________参观者 to our country, and some__________记念,回忆 of his home。

6,________________祝贺 to the _________获胜者 and __________谢谢 to everyone! Let's welcome our ____________校长 to __________颁发 the prizes


1,Reduce can save money and causes less__________(污染)

2,_______________(环境)problems are very important.

3,We should protect our_________(环境)

4,__________(污染)is our great________(敌人). If the rivers are_________(污染_), farmers can't use water for their__________(庄稼).

5,In some places, pollution from__________(工厂)________(传播,扩散)over cities and villages.

6,At a green school, every class collects_______(废品) which can be __________(回收)or used again.

7,Students also learn ways to save money and _________(回收)at home.

8, Pollution is very heavy now, I don't think it is ________(无望的_).

9,I often take my own bag when_______(购物), not ask for a ________(塑料 bag.

10,I don't often buy drinks in ________(瓶子)。I often collect empty______瓶子

11,He often________分开the waste into things to recyle and things to throw away.

12, We all need a _______健康的 environment. But we ________生产 waste every day.It is _________有害的 to our environment. ________重复 these three words _______每天:___________ __________ ___________

13,It is better to use _______瓷器cups and ________布bags.

14, Although it takes________能量 to change things, it's better than________扔them away or ________ 烧them. We ______扔 ________吨 of rubbish every year. And we have to make a change. Divide your rubbish into ______塑料 glass,paper and_______橡胶.













