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作者:未知 时间:2020-11-11 阅读:( )




If you like to put on your earphones and listen to your favorite music, your parents must have told you that "Turn that down before you go deaf!" Well, they have a point. Loud noise from your earphone can hurt your hearing both temporarily and permanently. Hearing loss means a person can't hear clearly any more. For some people, that even means not being able to hear at all.

If the noise around you is so loud that you have to shout to make other people hear you, you may get your ears hurt. Temporary hearing loss can happen after you listen to some loud noise for 15 minutes. If you have temporary hearing loss, you won't be able to hear as well as you did before. Luckily, these signs will usually go away and your hearing is likely to return to normal. But if someone listens to loud noise for too long every day, permanent hearing loss can happen. This means the person's hearing won't be as good as it was before. That's why some factory workers need to wear ear protection. Listening to loud music a lot can cause ear damage, especially if you use earphones.

However, you can help keep your hearing good, if you're going to a concert and you know the music is going to be loud, consider wearing earplugs to protect your ears from the noise.

( )1. What odes the sentence "they have a point" mean in the passage?

A. What they said is right. B. they know how to protect ears.

C. They have something important. D. They don't like loud music.

( )2. What does the underlined word "permanently" mean in Chinese?

A. 临时地 B. 轻微地 C. 严重地 D. 永久地

( )3. Which of the following is RIGHT?

A. Loud nose can only make one lose her/his hearing for a while.

B. If you have some hearing loss, you can't hear anything at all.

C. If you listen to some loud noise for more than 15 minutes, you will lose your hearing for ever.

D. Ear protection can help you keep hearing good.

( )4. When can you get your ears hurt?

A. When you use earphones to listen to loud music for 30 minutes.

B. When you work in a factory.

C. When you shout to people.

D. When you listen to music.

( )5. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. Try to ask parents to let children listen to loud music on earphone.

B. Try to ask children not to listen to loud music on earphones.

C. Try to ask parents not to let children listen to loud music on earphones.

D. Try to ask children to listen to loud music on earphones.



Once upon a time, there lived some birds on an old big tree.

A climbing plant started growing on the tree. The wise old bird told the younger ones to cut off the plant. The younger birds thought the plant has nothing to do with them. They did not pay attention to his words.

One day, when the birds were away from the tree, a man climbed up the climbing plant and into the tree and set a net trap(诱捕网).

When the birds returned home that evening, they were trapped(陷入) in the net. They began to know their mistakes. They said sorry to the old bird and asked for help.

The old bird said, " When the hunter returns tomorrow morning, let all birds act as if they are dead. The hunter will throw away the last bird from his trap."

All the birds obeyed the wise bird and acted upon his words to set themselves free. From then on, they made the old wise bird their leader and lived happily.

( )1. What does the underlined pay attention to mean?

A. 违背 B. 注意 C. 听到 D. 屈从

( )2. Why did the man climb up the plant set and set a net trap?

A. He wanted to catch some fish.

B. He didn't want the plant climb too high.

C. He wanted to protect the birds.

D. He He wanted to catch the birds.

( )3. What was the mistake the birds know when they were trapped in the net?

A. They didn't cut off the plant on the tree.

B They didn't flew away.

C. They didn't stay at home.

D. They didn't see the man.

( )4. From the old bird's advice, we know that the man didn't want ____ birds.

A. big B. small C. dead D. sick

( )5. Which of the following can be the title of the passage?

A. A Climbing Plant on a Tree. B. Birds on a Big Tree.

C. The Net Trap. D. The Wise Old Bird



Linda's father, Mr. Dickson, is a taxi driver. He is a heavy smoker. He smokes right after he gets up. When someone takes his car, he smokes in the car. So no one wants to ride in his car. Sometimes Mr. Dickson takes his family to go out and eat at a restaurant. Linda finds that people don't like to sit near them because her father is always smoking.

Mr. Dickson hasn't tried the MRT. He still drives every day. He often gets sick. He is very thin. Every time the doctor told him to stop smoking, he would try for a few days. But soon he just gave up. Tomorrow is Linda's birthday. This morning Mr. Dickson asked Linda, "What do you want for your birthday?" She told him that she wanted nothing. The only thing she wants him to do is to stop smoking. Linda knows that Father loves them and wants them to be happy. She hopes he can really decide to stop this time.

( )1. Which of the following is not true about Mr. Dickson?

A. He is a taxi driver. B. He is Linda's father.

C. He likes smoking. D. He is very healthy.

( )2. Which of the following words we can use to describe Mr. Dickson?

A. Heavy. B. Strong. C. Weak. D. Pretty.

( )3. Mr. Dickson still drives every day because of_____.

A. his job. B. his smoking. C. his parking. D. his sickness.

( )4. Linda really wants her father to ____for her birthday.

A. quit smoking. B. take her to a restaurant.

C. buy a TV for her. D. let her smoke.

( )5. Which of the following about Mr. Dickson is true?

A. He is always buy at his work.

B. He loves his family.

C. He doesn't smoke when people are around.

D. He never goes to restaurant with his family.



I am out of school for a few days but it seems that I leave school for a very long time. In the past, I thought that missing school was cool. Now I hate missing school, and I am tired of being sick.

I am so bored at home, and I also feel left out by my friends. When I was first sick, everyone sent me cards, and I felt missed. Now, it seems that I am forgotten. I feel lonely and angry when everyone else is having fun and I have to rest. I hope I have someone to talk to about how terrible I feel.

The nurse and doctors in my life are nice to me, but I don't like seeing them all the time.l we don't seem to laugh much at my house. My parents seem to be under so much stress. I just want my life to go back to the way it was before I got sick.

Will I get better? Will I be able to go back to school? Will my friends play with me if I go back to school? Will my friends with me if I go back to school? I am worried about my health and my future life.

( )1. What did the writer think of being out of school in the past?

A. Boring. B. Useful. C. Cool. D. Terrible.

( )2. The Chinese meaning of "left out" is "___".

A. 忽略 B. 想念 C. 看望 D. 陪伴

( )3. Why does the writer feel angry?

A. He doesn't like having fun.

B. He doesn't like being at school.

C. His friends never visit him.

D. He can't have fun with others.

( )4. What are the nurses and doctors like in the waiter's life?

A. Different. B. Nice. C. Angry. D. Lazy.

( )5. What can you get from the passage?

A. The writer believes that he will be better soon.

B. The writer's friends visit him every day after he gets ill.

C. The writer's parents don't care for him much.

D. The writer is worried about his life in the future.

参考答案:1-5 CADBD



The Perfect Party Game

Rosa's first party was not very good. Greg and Nancy arrived first. They sat in Rosa's living room without talking. Sara arrived next, but she was too quiet and shy to be the first to speak. Rick only listened to music on his radio. No one had much fun.

While planning her next party, Rosa found a good game in a book. She knew it would make her next party more fun. "This game is good," Rosa said to her mother, showing her the book.

( )1. Rosa found out about the game Picture Hunt from —

A her mother B. a library book C. her friend Rick D. her father

( )2. What should you write on the piece of paper?

A. Your name. B. The place where you put your photo

C. The name of your best friend. D. The date you took the photo.

( )3. What does the underlined word "silently" mean?

A. 勿勿地 B. 迟迟地 C. 静静地

( )4. In which step you should look at Picture 3?

A. Step 1. B. Step 2. C. Step 3. D. Step 4.

( )5. The MAIN IDEA of this story is that ___

A. Sara arrived at the party before Rick did

B. Rosa found a game to make her next party better

C. Rick liked to listen to music on his radio

D. Rosa asked her friends to take part in her party.



I saw this picture in this week's Time magazine. A photographer named Gregory Heisler sent the picture to Time. The boys in the picture are all wearing different clothes, but they all share the same face. They do not just look like each other. In fact, they are the same person. Heisler 'made" this funny picture on the computer. But in the future, with the science of 'cloning' (copying living things), a picture like this one may not just be a computer trick.

The idea of cloning began a long time ago. It became real when some animals like frogs were successfully cloned. At first, I didn't care much about these studies. However, when some studies showed that even "people" could be cloned, I felt the studies had gone too far.

I don't know much about science, but I do know I would hate to live on a planet full of copies of me. I found myself scared by the smiles of the copied boys when I looked at the picture again. To me, a world of cloned people is a world where the rules of nature are broken, which may bring a lot of problems we've never thought of.

( )1. How did Gregory get this picture?

A. He took it with his camera. B. He drew it himself.

C. He asked a boy to draw it. D. He made it on the computer.

( )2. How many real person are there in the picture?

A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. D. Ten.

( )3. Which is said about the picture?

A. It first appeared in Gregory Heisler's picture book.

B. The parents in it are in fact worried about their children.

C. It was an example of computer tricks.

D. It was taken of Gregory Heisler's family.

( )4. Which is said about cloning?

A. Many rules have been made for its use.

B. Most people do not think it is a good idea.

C. It will make our living space smaller.

D. It has been talking about for a long time.

( )5. What is the writer trying to say?

A. Good simple things bring us the same joy.

B. Science and art can both help us look better.

C. A world of people with the same face is terrible.

D. People will share the same health problems someday.



You are busy with your job but want to make new friends? You miss old friends and try to find them? Then try a new website—Facebook.

Mark Zukerberg, a Harvard student, created Facebook only six years ago. At first, it was only for Harvard students. Soon it became popular on the Internet. Now over 25 million people around the world use it to keep in touch with friends. People like Facebook because it makes them feel comfortable. On Facebook, they can share happiness or sadness by posting pictures and videos. Also, they leave message and give online presents to their friends. Now Facebook, like Ebay, is a place for people to sell things.

The best part about Facebook is to help find old friends. For people, the only thing to do is sign in their real names. Then it takes a short time to look for their good friends. So have fun with Facebook if you love to be with friends, old or new.

( )46. Facebook was created ____

A. ten years ago B. for 25 million people

C. by Mark Zuckerberg and his classmates

D. by a Harvard student named Mark Zuckerberg

( )47. What can you do on Facebook?

You can give online presents to your friends

You can play online games with your friends.

You can show pictures to your friends.

You can leave messages to your friends.

You can buy something.

A. B. C. D.

( )48. The eBay is a website ____.

A. for shopping B. for making friends

C. for taking pictures D. for finding old friends

( )49. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. It takes you a long time to find old friends on Facebook.

B. Facebook is a website only for students.

C. The best part about Facebook is to make new friends.

D. You have to sign in your real name if you want to find your friends on Facebook.

( )50. The best title for the passage is ___.

A. Facebook B. Facebook and Ebay

C. A Fun Place to Make Friends

D. Having Fun chatting Online with your friends.



Lindsay gave her math homework to her friend Shannon. Lindsay said, "Just this once you can copy my math homework."

Math was hard for Shannon. She had also missed three days of class last week. Shannon put the homework into her notebook.

"Just this once," Shannon said. "But promise not to tell anyone."

Two days later the math teacher stopped Lindsay. "I want to see you after school," she said.

Lindsay knew she was in trouble. Maybe Shannon was in trouble, too. Lindsay looked for Shannon at lunch.

Lindsay had made a promise to Shannon. But wouldn't telling a lie be worse than breaking a promise? She found Shannon in the cafeteria. "We are in trouble," Lindsay said. "I think our teacher knows that you copied my homework."

"How could he know if we didn't tell?" Shannon said. "Don't worry about it."

At 3:30 Lindsay walked to her teacher's room. He said, "How many faces does a cube have?"

Lindsay had to think. "Four."

"That's funny," the teacher said. "Shannon also thinks that a cube has four faces. But that is the wrong answer. A cube has six faces. One of you copied the other person's homework."

Lindsay did not know what to say to her teacher. She did not want to tell the teacher about her promise to Shannon. But she also did not want to lie.

Then Shannon came into the room. "It was me! I copied Lind say's homework."

Lindsay was surprised. "But I gave Shannon my homework to copy. We only did it once," she said. She did not want her friend to get into trouble.

The teacher gave both Lindsay and Shannon a zero. Lindsay felt bad about cheating and for getting Shannon in trouble. Lindsay was upset about the zero. But she knew what she had done was wrong. Lindsay was glad that her friend had stood up for her. Shannon felt the same way.

( )1. Why did Lindsay give Shannon her math homework to copy?

A. Lindsay wanted to show Shannon how much she enjoys sharing.

B. Lindsay thought Shannon would make a bad grade on her math homework.

C. Lindsay had copied Shannon's math homework in the past.

D. Lindsay wanted to copy Shannon's English homework.

( )2. How did the math teacher know that Lindsay and Shannon cheated?

A. He thought that Lindsay looked guilty in his class.

B. He saw Shannon put Lind say's homework into her notebook.

C. He saw that their homework was written in the same handwriting.

D. He saw that they had the same wrong answer.

( )3. Which sentence best shows that Lindsay was worried about what she had done?

A. Two days later the math teacher stopped Lindsay.

B. Lindsay had made a promise to Shannon.

C. But all day Lindsay thought about the meeting with her teacher.

D. Lindsay had made a promise to Shannon.

( )4. What can the reader tell about Lindsay?

A. She did not often get in trouble.

B. She was the math teacher's favorite student.

C. She did not care whether people like her.

D. She learned math better than any student in her class.

( )5. What lesson does Lindsay learn about cheating?

A. It is never right to cheat.

B. It is a way to get a better grade.

C. It is okay to cheat.

D. It is only bad for Shannon.





Following animal tracks is fun. You can see where animals have gone. Dinosaurs left tracks, too. Let's follow the tracks of a dinosaur at Rocky Hill, Connecticut. This is where we find Dinosaur State Park.

In 1968, workers started to make a building at Rocky Hill. They found tracks where they were going to build. Everyone stopped working. They found more than 2,000 dinosaur tracks. Scientists knew this was important. They did not make the building. They made the place a park, instead. Now people can visit the park to learn about the tracks.

The tracks are from a dinosaur called Eubrontes. Scientists didn't find any bones from the dinosaurs that left these tracks. They learned a lot about the dinosaur from the tracks, though. The dinosaur walked on only two feet. Its feet were far apart, but it didn't take very big steps.

Scientists compared the tracks at Rocky Hill to the tracks of other dinosaurs. From this they guessed what it looked like. The dinosaur looked a lot like the dinosaur named Dilophosaurus. We know a lot about this dinosaur. It ate meat. It had powerful claws for catching food. The dinosaur was about the weight of a horse. It stood around 8 feet tall.


At Dinosaur State Park, there are many things to do. You can even take the tracks home with you! The Park allows visitors to do something called casting. Casting is like copying one of the footprints. Visitors put a metal ring around a track. Then they pour some plaster into the ring. When it dries, the plaster looks like the footprint. After you make the cast, you can take it home.

( )1. Which of these is true about the Dilophosaurus?

A. It liked to swim. B. It hid in rocks. C. It lived in China. D. It ate meat.

( )2. In the article, casting is compared to ________.

A. racing B. copying C. marking D. building

( )3. Why did the people in Rocky Hill stopped make the building?

A. They felt history was more important than a new building.

B. They thought the new building would not look nice.

C. They decided they didn't need any more buildings.

D. They wanted to make a park where children could play.

( )4. This story would most likely be found in a______.

A. family newsletter B. book of poems

C. science magazine D. storybook

( )5. Look at the following chart.

Which of these belongs in the blank space?

A. park schedule B. casting tracks C. visitors' center D. digging bones

( )6. The Eubrontes probably____

A. looked a lot like a horse B. was more than 15 feet tall

C. walked on four feet D. had claws.

1-5 BCADB 6 D


Janet Carrion was driving a small truck with her two children. Her daughter was four years old. Her son was only 20 months. Janet Carrion wanted to take the children to her house from her mother's. It was not a long way and it only need several hours to drive there. But she did not know the roads were quite icy. Just a few miles into the drive, the truck rolled over. Then Carrion did not know anything around her.

When carrion woke up, her daughter Averie wasn't in the truck. After a team came up to save them, she asked them to search the snow fields. She thought maybe the car thrown Averie out of the truck. Maybe she did not know anything, just like her a moment ago.

In fact, the little child came out of the broken truck window, and then made her way through the snow. Then she came to the nearest farmhouse. She wanted to look for help for her mother and crying brother.

"I think my mom has been dead, and my brother is still in the truck. And we need you to go and help us," she told Jason Zenk, a 13-year-old boy who found her.

While the family made the girl warm, Jason's father got into the truck to see what happened. Just down the road, he met the worried mother. Police officers were searching for Averie in the snowy fields. "I think we have what you're looking for," Zenk said.

Minutes later, Averie's mother was happy to see her daughter. Young Averie has received a worldwide award for her heroic actions.

( )1. Where did Janet Carrion want to go?

A. To her mother's house. B. To her own house.

C. To the police station. D. To the hospital.

( )2. Why did the truck roll over?

A. Because the truck was broken.

B. Because Carrion was driving tiredly.

C. Because the road was icy.

D. Because Carrion was too careless.

( )3. What did Averie do after the truck rolled over?

A. She tried to wake up her mother.

B. She went to the nearest farmhouse for help.

C. She called the police for help.

D. She called her father for help.

( )4. Which is true according to the passage?

A. Averie is thirteen years old.

B. Carrion was badly hurt during the accident.

C. Police officers found Averie in the snow fields.

D. Jason's father sent Averie to meet her mother.

( )5. How many people died in the accident?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. None.



Marcel Proust (1871-1922) is one of the greatest French writers. He is famous for his great book À la Recherche Du Temps Peru, which means "remembering the past."

In this book, Proust writes many stories of rich but unhappy people. These rich people think other people should like or love them. When they learn that they are not as popular as they think, they feel sad and try hard to be important in the eyes of others. That is why they always feel troubled and can never really enjoy their lives.

In contrast to the lives of those people in his book, the last fifteen years of Proust's life shows one can still find joy in hard times. During those years, he was very sick and had to stay in bed most of the time. But in his sickroom he found most joy in writing À la Recherche Du Temps Peru and ended up being a great writer because of the book.

( )1. Many people know Marcel Proust because of____.

A. his age B. his family C. his books D. his son

( )2. In Proust's book À la Recherche Du Temps Peru, rich people___

A. try to forget their past

B. try to get what they do not have

C. They are sick and stay in bed most of the time.

D. They are rich enough to have their stories written

( )3. What does In contrast to mean?

A. Before B. Worse than C. Important to. D. Different from.

( )4. From the last paragraph, we know that Marcel Proust was ___ in his last life.

A. poor and unhealthy B. rich but unhappy

C. rich and happy D. sick but happy

( )5. What can we learn about Proust from this reading?

A. He became poor and sick because of writing.

B. He got a lot of pleasure from writing in his later life.

C. He often wrote about how people get stronger in hard times.

D. He started writing À la Recherche Du Temps Pergola when he was fifteen

参考答案:1-5 CBDDB


It was winter and it snowed very hard. Ralph and Edward were at their grandmother's house in the countryside. They had to stay in the house all day. At night when they woke up they still heard the wind and the snow.

The next morning came with a bright sun. The boys got very excited.

"Please grandma, hurry with breakfast. We would like to play outside" cried the boys.

Grandma made them the breakfast and said they must eat well first. After the delicious meal they rushed out from the house and they began to play.

The two boys played happily outside. They didn't even notice the time just when grandma called them for lunch.

As they ate, Ralph saw something outside.

"Look Edward. There are two little birds on the branches. They must be cold and hungry."

"It doesn't make you feel mean that we had a good time with the snow which hides the food from them?"

"Let's ask grandma for some food for them…"

Soon the birds were singing happily and flying around the house. The singing reminded Ralph as if they were kept saying "___________".

( )1. In which months might the story happen?

A. April. B. July. C. September. D. December.

( )2. What was the weather like in the morning after the two boys woke up?

A. It was snowy. B. It was sunny.

C. It was rainy. D. It was hot.

( )3. Why didn't the two boys noticed the time when grandmother called them for lunch?

A. Because they played happily.

B. Because there was not sun in the sky to tell their the time.

C. Because they forgot to see their watch.

D. Because they were sad all the time.

( )4. What does the underlined word "branches" may?

A. 树叶 B. 树根 C. 树枝 D. 树皮

( )5. Which of the following can be filled into the blank in the last sentences?

A. all right B. OK C. thank you D. goodbye




You are busy with your job but want to make new friends? You miss old friends and try to find them? Then try a new website—Facebook.

Mark Zukerberg, a Harvard student, created Facebook only six years ago. At first, it was only for Harvard students. Soon it became popular on the Internet. Now over 25 million people around the world use it to keep in touch with friends. People like Facebook because it makes them feel comfortable. On Facebook, they can share happiness or sadness by posting pictures and videos. Also, they leave message and give online presents to their friends. Now Facebook, like Ebay, is a place for people to sell things.

The best part about Facebook is to help find old friends. For people, the only thing to do is sign in their real names. Then it takes a short time to look for their good friends. So have fun with Facebook if you love to be with friends, old or new.

( )46. Facebook was created ____

A. ten years ago B. for 25 million people

C. by Mark Zuckerberg and his classmates

D. by a Harvard student named Mark Zuckerberg

( )47. What can you do on Facebook?

You can give online presents to your friends

You can play online games with your friends.

You can show pictures to your friends.

You can leave messages to your friends.

You can buy something.

A. B. C. D.

( )48. The eBay is a website ____.

A. for shopping B. for making friends

C. for taking pictures D. for finding old friends

( )49. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. It takes you a long time to find old friends on Facebook.

B. Facebook is a website only for students.

C. The best part about Facebook is to make new friends.

D. You have to sign in your real name if you want to find your friends on Facebook.

( )50. The best title for the passage is ___.

A. Facebook B. Facebook and E bay

C. A Fun Place to Make Friends

D. Having Fun chatting Online with your friends.



Lindsay gave her math homework to her friend Shannon. Lindsay said, "Just this once you can copy my math homework."

Math was hard for Shannon. She had also missed three days of class last week. Shannon put the homework into her notebook.

"Just this once," Shannon said. "But promise not to tell anyone."

Two days later the math teacher stopped Lindsay. "I want to see you after school," she said.

Lindsay knew she was in trouble. Maybe Shannon was in trouble, too. Lindsay looked for Shannon at lunch.

Lindsay had made a promise to Shannon. But wouldn't telling a lie be worse than breaking a promise? She found Shannon in the cafeteria. "We are in trouble," Lindsay said. "I think our teacher knows that you copied my homework."

"How could he know if we didn't tell?" Shannon said. "Don't worry about it."

At 3:30 Lindsay walked to her teacher's room. He said, "How many faces does a cube have?"

Lindsay had to think. "Four."

"That's funny," the teacher said. "Shannon also thinks that a cube has four faces. But that is the wrong answer. A cube has six faces. One of you copied the other person's homework."

Lindsay did not know what to say to her teacher. She did not want to tell the teacher about her promise to Shannon. But she also did not want to lie.

Then Shannon came into the room. "It was me! I copied Lind say's homework."

Lindsay was surprised. "But I gave Shannon my homework to copy. We only did it once," she said. She did not want her friend to get into trouble.

The teacher gave both Lindsay and Shannon a zero. Lindsay felt bad about cheating and for getting Shannon in trouble. Lindsay was upset about the zero. But she knew what she had done was wrong. Lindsay was glad that her friend had stood up for her. Shannon felt the same way.

( )1. Why did Lindsay give Shannon her math homework to copy?

A. Lindsay wanted to show Shannon how much she enjoys sharing.

B. Lindsay thought Shannon would make a bad grade on her math homework.

C. Lindsay had copied Shannon's math homework in the past.

D. Lindsay wanted to copy Shannon's English homework.

( )2. How did the math teacher know that Lindsay and Shannon cheated?

A. He thought that Lindsay looked guilty in his class.

B. He saw Shannon put Lind say's homework into her notebook.

C. He saw that their homework was written in the same handwriting.

D. He saw that they had the same wrong answer.

( )3. Which sentence best shows that Lindsay was worried about what she had done?

A. Two days later the math teacher stopped Lindsay.

B. Lindsay had made a promise to Shannon.

C. But all day Lindsay thought about the meeting with her teacher.

D. Lindsay had made a promise to Shannon.

( )4. What can the reader tell about Lindsay?

A. She did not often get in trouble.

B. She was the math teacher's favorite student.

C. She did not care whether people like her.

D. She learned math better than any student in her class.

( )5. What lesson does Lindsay learn about cheating?

A. It is never right to cheat.

B. It is a way to get a better grade.

C. It is okay to cheat.

D. It is only bad for Shannon.



Tom liked being at his grandmother's farm. He enjoyed helping with the animals.

Tom's grandmother asked him to take care of the chickens. She gave him this list.

Tom did each job on his list. He liked finding eggs best. The first day he found six of them!

That night Grandmother had a surprise for Tom. It was a sweet, delicious cake she had made with the eggs.

"this is the best cake I have ever tasted," Tom said.


( )1. Where does this story take place?

A. At a farm. B. In a kitchen. C. At Tom's House. D. At Tom's school.

( )2. What does the underlined word "list" mean?

A. 帐单 B. 工程 C. 收据 D. 清单

( )3. What does Tom like to do best?

A. Feed the chicken. B. Give the chicken water.

C. Pick up the eggs. D. Bring the eggs to the kitchen.

( )4. After Tom picked up the eggs, he ______.

A. made a cake with them B. took them to the kitchen

C. fed the chickens D. ate the cakes

( )5. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. Caring for Chickens. B. Making delicious cakes.

C. Giving chickens water. D. Reading the list.



I saw this picture in this week's Time magazine. A photographer named Gregory Heisler sent the picture to Time. The boys in the picture are all wearing different clothes, but they all share the same face. They do not just look like each other. In fact, they are the same person. Heisler 'made" this funny picture on the computer. But in the future, with the science of 'cloning' (copying living things), a picture like this one may not just be a computer trick.

The idea of cloning began a long time ago. It became real when some animals like frogs were successfully cloned. At first, I didn't care much about these studies. However, when some studies showed that even "people" could be cloned, I felt the studies had gone too far.

I don't know much about science, but I do know I would hate to live on a planet full of copies of me. I found myself scared by the smiles of the copied boys when I looked at the picture again. To me, a world of cloned people is a world where the rules of nature are broken, which may bring a lot of problems we've never thought of.

( )1. How did Gregory get this picture?

A. He took it with his camera. B. He drew it himself.

C. He asked a boy to draw it. D. He made it on the computer.

( )2. How many real person are there in the picture?

A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. D. Ten.

( )3. Which is said about the picture?

A. It first appeared in Gregory Heisler's picture book.

B. The parents in it are in fact worried about their children.

C. It was an example of computer tricks.

D. It was taken of Gregory Heisler's family.

( )4. Which is said about cloning?

A. Many rules have been made for its use.

B. Most people do not think it is a good idea.

C. It will make our living space smaller.

D. It has been talking about for a long time.

( )5. What is the writer trying to say?

A. Good simple things bring us the same joy.

B. Science and art can both help us look better.

C. A world of people with the same face is terrible.

D. People will share the same health problems someday.














