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作者:未知 时间:2021-01-06 阅读:( )


( )1. Paul is honest boy, and he is best student in our class.

A. a; a B. an; a C. a; the D. an; the

( )2.-We should have pity children living in poor areas.

-That's why I raise money Project Hope.

A. on; for B. about; to C. with; from D. in; for

( )3.Beijing is larger than_______in Japan.

A.any other cities B.any city C.other cities D.any other city

( )4. years go by, you will know how useful English is.

A. when B. As C. Since D. While

( )5. great fun it is to play games on Internet!

A. How;/ B. What;/ C. How a; the D. What; the

( )6.If you go, at least wait till the rain stops.

A. can B. may C. will D. must

( )7.We will be ______ if we touch _______animals. danger,dangerous danger,in danger

C.dangerous,dangerous D.dangerous,in danger

( )8.The sentence structure of "Eddie is watching Hobo work" is .


( )9. Tell Tom_______ look out of the window, _______?

A. doesn't; will you B. not to; will you C. don't; does he D. not to; will he

( )10.—Isn't that book so boring? —_______. You can know a lot about wild animals.

A. Yes, you are right B. I'm afraid so C. Not at all D. Of course

( )11.—You should be careful when________.

—Yes, I will. I'd like to know when_______ to have a rest.

A. driving; stopping B. driving; to stop

C. to drive; stopping D. to drive; to stop

( )12.— exciting news report it is!You must read it.

—Oh, yes. It our school won the football final.

A. What an;says B. What;tells C. How an; says D. How; tells

( )13.—Why didn't you answer my telephone, Lily?

—Sorry. I in the kitchen just now. I didn't hear it.

A. am cooking B. cooked C. was cooking D. will cook

( )14.Rex is really helpful . He often spends as much time as he can others.

A. for help B. help C. helping D. helps

( )15. The earthquake while I some reading in the study.

A. was starting ; did B. started; did

C. was starting; was doing D. started; was doing

( )16.—Is Mr. Wu coming by train?

—I'm not sure. He drive his car.

A. must B. may C. need D. should

( )17. could be more important to me than my family. I love my family.

A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything

( )18. I like learning English because the language sounds beautiful. ,it is also very useful.

A. Otherwise B. However C. Moreover D. Instead

( )19.Which has the same sentence structure as "I know the man with glasses. "?

A. We called the cat Mimi. B. The children are reading some stories.

C. My mother told me to work hard. D. Molly is teaching the kids a new song.

( )20. During the break,most of the students were reading in the classroom while the rest .

A. was chatting B. is chatting C. were chatting D. are chatting

( )21.—I'm going to take the kids to see the movie Aquaman.

— . The kids are too young to see it.

A. You'd better not B. Good idea C. I think so D. No problem

( )22.— How many mistakes did you make in the test, Millie?

— ________. I got full marks(分数) this time.

A. No one B. Nothing C. None D. Nobody

( )23.— How did Tom hurt his leg yesterday?

— He was walking home ________ a bike hit him.

A. while B. when C. before D. during

( )24.We will all the applications and pick out the best.

A. look for B. look up C. look through D. look out

( )25.Boys and girls, follow the and do it carefully.

A. discussion B. directions C. applications D. instructions

( )26.In the terrible earthquake, many people got seriously hurt. them were old.

A.Two hundred of B.two hundred

C.two hundreds of D.two hundreds

( )27. — Mr Li is kind ______ anyone in need of help.

— It's really kind ______ him to do so.

A. for; of B. to; for C. to; of D. of; to

( )28. — Jim spends the ______ time on Maths, but he always gets the ______ marks.

— It's a great pity.

A. least; lowestB. least; highestC. most; lowestD.most; highest

( )29. — Is Peter coming?

— No, he ______ his mind after a phone call at the last minute.

A. changed B. changes C.was changing changing

( )30. You'd better stay at home they .

A. during; leave B. while; leave C. during; are away D. while; are away

( )31.—I'm sorry I my exercise book at home.

—Don't forget it to school tomorrow, please.

A. forgot; to take B. left; to bring

C. forgot; to bring D. 1eft; to take

( )32.Tom worked very hard at all his lessons. , he became the top student in his class.

A. In order to B. As a result C. As usual D. For example

( )33.We should do what we can the hunters from the animals.

A. to prevent; killing B. to prevent; to kill C. prevent; killing D. prevent; to kill

( )34.There are visitors to the wetland park, and the number is becoming now.

A. thousand of; larger and larger B. thousands of; more and more

C. thousands of; larger and larger D. thousand of; more and more

( )35. Careless driving lots of highway accidents.

A. makes B. breaks C. results D. causes

( )36.26. The woman with a baby quickly_______ the coach and w towards the hospital.

A. got off B. got back C. got up D. got on

( )37.—What did you do at home last Sunday?

—I some bright lights in my living room.

A. put out B. put up C. put in D. put on

( )38.—The baby is crying again.

—He hungry. He ate a lot of things two minutes ago.

A. can't be B. mustn't be C. should be D. may be

( )39. —What the number of the students in your school?

—About two thousand. A number of them from England.

A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are

( )40. The man is badly hurt. We'd better him before the doctors come.

A. not move B. not to move C. don't move D. not moving

( )41.Tomorrow it is warm during the day, and the temperature will stay Zero, around 9℃. However, it will drop -5℃ at night.

A. above; above B. below; above C. above; to D. below; to

( )42.—I don't like this blue T-shirt. Can you show me one?

—Sorry, we only have this one left. You can go to the shop on side of the street.

A. another; other B. other; the other

C. another; the other D. the other; another

( )43.—Look, there is a lot of rubbish in the river.

—Yes, 80 per cent of fish in this river live long.

A. doesn't B. don't C. isn't D. aren't

( )44.—Look! The girl long hair is building a snow house. Is she Sandy?

—It be her. I'm not sure.

A. with; mustn't B. has; must C. has; can't D. with; may

( )45. The trapped man when he heard people were trying to help him out.

A. came down B. calmed down C. broke down D. cut down

( )46.—Did you enjoy your trip to Hainan?

— I really had great fun! It couldn't be______.

A.worst B.better C.worse

( )47.The word"________"has the same meaning as the word"holiday".

A.eraser B.elevator C.vacation

( )48—Are these cameras made in Japan?

—Yes.And they're much cheaper than______in America.

A.that B.those

( )49.一How did you make people know about your fashion show?

—That was easy.We_________ leaflets(传单)in the street.

A.put out B.gave out C.looked out D.found out

( )50.—What were you and your parents doing_______it began to rain last night?

—I was doing my homework________my parents were watching TV.

A.when;when B.while;while

C.when;while D.while;when


1-5 DABBD 6-10.DADBC 11-15 BACCD

16-20.BACBC 21-25ACBCB 26-30.ACBAD

31-35BBACD 36-40ACAAA

41-45.CCBDA 46-50.BCABC






寒假是提分黄金期,请相信孩子“寒假英语弯道一步领先,步步超前!”不能让孩子输在起跑线上 。






奇速英语国际精英特训营(成功举办20期),由中小学英语教育专家蔡章兵教授创办,作为中小学英语教育专家、硕士生导师、连续三年CCTV全国中小学生英语电视大赛评委团副主席、教育界杂志执行主编,已有出版英语图书300余本,专注中学英语教学二十余年,在英语教学和培训方面造诣匪浅,国培 & 省培主讲专家,四川师大英语学科硕士生导师,高考新题型研讨会主讲专家,中国西部地区外语教育研究会理事,蔡教授曾培养出了8位CCTV全国中小学生英语电视大赛总冠军,60多位北大清华高考状元。奇速英语国际精英特训营(冬夏令营)是CCTV大赛全国总冠军和中高考状元的锻造基地。






