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作者:未知 时间:2021-06-15 阅读:( )





对于不同寻常的2020年,你会用哪个词作为年度词汇呢?请以“My Word of the Year for 2020”为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。

要点:1. 你的年度词汇是什么;

2. 为什么会选择这个词汇;

3. 这个词汇对你有何意义。

要求:1. 文中不得出现你所在学校的校名和师生姓名;

2. 词数100左右。


My Word of the Year for 2020

My word of the year for 2020 is “science and technology”.

Our country made great progress in science and technology in the year 2020. On June 23, 2020, the last satellite of BeiDou was successfully sent into space. This means that the networking of BeiDou is complete. BeiDou can improve the development in many fields. A month later, the probe Tianwen-1 was launched successfully. It's China's first Mars probe. Tianwen-1 can help us know more about our solar system and the universe we live in. At the end of 2020, Chang'e-5 came back from the moon with 1,731 gram of lunar soil. China is the third country that got lunar soil. These achievements show the strength of our country. I'm proud of being Chinese.

Science and technology has much to do with our life. With the development of science and technology, our life will become more convenient.


My Word of the Year for 2020

My word of the year for 2020 is “volunteers”.

COVID-19 made the year 2020 unusual. Lots of volunteers played an important role in fighting the virus. What volunteers did move me a lot. At the risk of infection, they worked everywhere from cities to the countryside, from airports to hospitals. They took the temperature of every one who entered supermarkets, communities and many other places. They helped buy food for those who stayed at home. They sent patients to hospitals. Volunteers brought love to everyone. Thanks to their hard work, the spread of COVID-19 could be controlled soon.

Volunteers made me feel quite warm. If I have a chance, I also want to be a volunteer. I'd like to help those who need help.


My Word of the Year for 2020

When I think of the year 2020, the first word that comes to my mind is “speed”.

In late January of 2020, as more people in Wuhan were infected with COVID-19, hospitals didn't have enough beds for them. In order to save more patients, two special hospitals were built.

Huoshenshan Hospital has about 1,000 beds for patients. The hospital was completed in only 10 days. On February 4, it began to receive patients. On January 25, the plan of building Leishenshan Hospital was made. On January 26, the design of the hospital was completed. The next day, workers started to build it. After about two weeks’ hard work, Leishenshan Hospital was put into use.
    The two hospitals were built in an amazingly short time. They have shown how fast the “Chinese speed” is and how united Chinese nation is.


My Word of the Year for 2020

When it comes to my word of the year for 2020, it is “online learning”.

Because of COVID-19, we had to stay at home and study online for several months. Online learning benefits me a lot. Firstly, it provides a new and easy way for me to study at home. Next, studying online is flexible. I can have a class anywhere as long as there is a signal. The most important thing is that I can watch the video again if I don't understand something. This is what I can't do at a traditional class.

However, every coin has two sides. Watching the screen for a long time is bad for my eyes. To solve this problem, I have a new dream. I plan to study AI when I grow up. I believe AI will make online learning easier and more helpful.


My Word of the Year for 2020

2020 was a special and unforgettable year for me. If you ask me what my key word of the year was, I would like to choose “heroes”.

During the Spring Festival of 2020, thousands of doctors and nurses left their homes and went to Wuhan. In hospitals, they worked day and night to treat and take care of the patients. Many of them even didn’t have time to dine or rest. At the same time, many scientists, like Zhong Nanshan, worked hard to look for useful ways to fight against the disease. They also offered lots of suggestions to keep us healthy. I was deeply moved by their courage and selfless spirit. They were the heroes in my heart.

Though one year has passed, I am still touched by these heroes’ kind acts and brave hearts. I believe whenever I think of 2020 in the future, the heroes will always come to my mind and give me the power to overcome difficulties.


My Word of the Year for 2020

If I am asked to choose my word of the year for 2020, it would be “moved”.

During the fight against COVID-19 in 2020, there were a lot of people that have moved me. In the Spring Festival of 2020, in order to save the patients' lives, many doctors and nurses outside Wuhan left their homes and went to the most dangerous place to help. Many doctors and nurses in Wuhan also paid a lot, and some of them even lost their lives. When they were tired, some of them just slept on the floor. In order to work more conveniently, some women doctors and nurses even cut their hair. Besides the doctors and nurses, there were also other people who had done much for us. Every time I saw their moving stories from TV and the Internet, my tears rolled down and I wanted to say thanks to them.

In 2020, I was always moved by many people who had tried their best to protect us. From them, I felt the greatness of Chinese people and the power of unity. I think they mean a lot to me.




在你成长的过程中,一定出现过一个对你有很大帮助或影响的人。这个人也许是你的父母、老师或朋友…… 请根据以下要点和要求,以“The Person Who Has Helped Me a Lot”为题,用英语写一篇短文。

要点:1. 帮助你的那个人是谁;

2. 他(她)对你做了什么事情;

3. 你是怎样改变的。

要求:1. 题目可任选一个;

2. 文中不得出现你所在学校的校名和师生姓名;

3. 词数100左右。


The Person Who Has Helped Me a Lot

The person who has helped me a lot is my English teacher. Today I'd like to share a story between us.

Last year, I took part in an English contest. I was confident that I could win first place. To my great disappointment, I failed. It made me so sad that I locked myself in my room and cried. At that moment, my English teacher phoned me. She said, “Failure is not terrible as long as you can face it. Remember that failure is the mother of success.” She also shared lots of skills on giving speeches. From then on, I worked harder in English than before. At last, I won first prize in another English contest.

I'd like to show my thanks to my English teacher. Without her, I couldn't have a better understanding of failure and success.


The Person Who Has Helped Me a Lot

Many people have helped me in my life and study. Among them, my mother has helped me most.

My mother does lots of things for me every day. She gets up early to cook breakfast for me. When I come back from school, she pushes me to finish my homework in time. When I meet some difficulties, she gives me useful suggestions which always help me out. If I make progress in my study, she would praise me and warn me not to be proud. My mother is hard-working, and she often tells me to work hard to be a useful person in the future.

With my mother's help, I'm making bigger and bigger progress. Now I am one of the top students in my school. Without my mother's help, I couldn't be as good as I am today.




读一本好书能够让你受益匪浅。老师要求在本周的英语活动课上,每个同学介绍一本自己感兴趣的书,并谈谈读后感。请以“A Book I'm Interested in”为题,根据下面所给的要点和要求,写一篇演讲稿。

要点:1. 这是一本什么样的书;

2. 你为什么对它感兴趣;

3. 你读完这本书的感想是什么。

要求:1. 文中不得出现你所在学校的名称和师生姓名;

2. 词数100左右。


A Book I'm Interested in

Good books can bring us knowledge and pleasure. I like reading books very much. Among all the books I have read, I am interested in the novel The Old Man and the Sea best.

The book was written by Ernest Hemingway. It tells a story about a fisherman. He is lucky enough to catch a big fish. However, he finds it's hard to take it home. On his way back home, he has to fight against the fish and the sea.

I am interested in this book because it is such a meaningful story that I can learn a lot from it. The fisherman is brave and he never gives up when he is in trouble. Through reading the story, I have known that nothing seems terrible as long as I have a strong will and a brave heart.




知识能够丰富我们的思想,能够让我们拥有更美好的未来。请你以“Knowledge Is Power (知识就是力量)”为题,写一篇英语演讲稿。

要点:1. 你对这句名言的理解;

2. 能体现该名言含义的人物和事件;

3. 你的个人感悟。

要求:1. 文中不得出现你所在学校的校名和师生姓名;

2. 词数100左右。


Knowledge Is Power

Hello, everyone! It's a great honor for me to give a speech here. My topic today is “knowledge is power”.

As we know, “knowledge is power” is a famous saying. Yes, it is true that knowledge plays an important role in the development of the society. Take us Chinese people as an example. With rich knowledge, the ancient Chinese made the four great inventions. These inventions changed the course of world history. With rich knowledge, the modern Chinese have sent satellites into space. China has become more powerful.

As school students, we are the future masters of China. The more knowledge we master today, the greater contributions we can make to our country in the future. I think we should lose no time to learn as much knowledge as possible now.

That's all. Thank you.




家是温暖的港湾,是我们心灵的归宿。在你的日常生活中,有哪些与家人共度的快乐时光呢?请以“The Happiest Time with My Family”为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。

要点:1. When is your happiest time?

2. What do you usually do at that time?

3. Why is it your happiest time?

要求:1. 文中不得出现你所在学校的校名和师生姓名;

2. 词数100左右。


The Happiest Time with My Family

You may hear of the famous saying, “East or west, home is the best.” A home is more than a house. At home people usually feel happy and relaxed with their family.

As for me, the happiest time with my family is the weekend. It's a time for family members to stay together. First, my parents and I can have breakfast together, chatting and laughing. I can share my stories with them. Besides, I help my parents do some housework, such as cooking and cleaning. Also I would like to do something relaxing with them. For example, we may go to the cinema or the bookstore. Taking a short trip in the countryside always brings us great fun, too.

In short, the weekend is the happiest time with my family. It helps me understand my parents better and show my love to them.




我们周围的一切都在快速地发展:道路宽阔了,山岗变绿了,住房宽敞了,人们富裕了……各种各样的变化正发生在祖国的大地上,对此你一定有很多话要对伟大的祖国说。请以“Motherland, I Want to Say to You”为题,根据下面的要点和要求写一篇英语短文。

要点:1. 你的周围发生了哪些变化;

2. 你的感想;

3. 你对祖国的祝愿。

要求:1. 文中不得出现你所在学校的校名和师生姓名;

2. 词数100左右。


Motherland, I Want to Say to You

I'm a middle school student. In the past few years, great changes have taken place in our school. I'd like to share our wonderful school life with you.

There are more trees and flowers in our school. And a small lake has been built behind the playground. We often do some reading by it after class. Besides, our school holds more interesting activities, such as ball games and school trips. They bring more fun to our school life. What's more, we have a big new computer room. We can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the In­ternet. 

Dear motherland, I want to say thanks to you. Only in your peaceful arm, can we have such a happy school life. I'm sure we can make you stronger when we grow up. 




风景在旅途中,成长在过程中,改变在不知不觉中。请你以“I'm Not a Child Any Longer”为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文,记录你学习或生活中经历的一件事,说明你的成长变化。

要点:1. 你在哪(些)方面发生了变化;

2. 你经历了什么事情让你感觉到成长;

3. 你对成长的感悟。

要求:1. 文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;

2. 词数100左右。


I'm Not a Child Any Longer

I used to believe that saying sorry was quite unpleasant. However, after I said sorry to my friend Jack, I found I was not a child any longer.

Last week, I discussed a problem with Jack. We didn't agree with each other and we both raised our voice. I was so angry that I couldn't help shouting at him and left him alone. In the next few days, I often felt lonely and couldn't help recalling the time we spent together before. At last, I took a lot of courage and sent a message to him through WeChat to say sorry to him. After a while, he replied my message, saying that he had already forgiven me. Now we are good friends again and we can understand each other better.

Through this experience, I know more about friendship and become more patient to others. I think I have grown up and known how to get along well with others.




你考虑过未来自己想要干什么吗?请以“My Future Career Planning”为题,根据下面的要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。

要点:1. 你理想的职业是什么;

2. 你为什么选择这个职业;

3. 你打算怎样规划你的职业。

要求:1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,可以适当发挥;

2. 文中不得出现你所在学校的名称和师生姓名;

3. 词数100左右。


My Future Career Planning

Teenagers are always full of hope for the future. What's your future career planning? For me, I want to be a doctor.

Now, let me tell you the reasons. First, influenced by my father, I have developed an interest in medicine since I was little. Second, the experience of 2020 impressed me a lot. I hope to become a doctor like Zhong Nanshan. It's meaningful to be such a superhero who can always save the patients just in time.

I'm going to study hard to enter a good university so that I can learn more things about medicine. Also, I will read more books about medicine in order to have a better understanding of the job.

Hard work pays off. No matter how difficult the road is, I'm going to stick to it and never give up.




俗话说:“没有规矩,不成方圆”。为了创建和谐、融洽的学习和生活氛围,使青少年身心健康、顺利成长,学校和家庭都会立很多规矩。请以“A Rule I Agree with”为题,选择一条规矩,发表你自己的观点和看法。

要点: 1. 你赞同哪条规矩;

2. 你为什么赞同这条规矩;

3. 你的期望。

要求:1. 文中不得出现你所在学校的校名和师生姓名;

2. 词数100左右。


A Rule I Agree with

This year, more and more schools ask students to leave their cellphones out of school. I totally agree with this rule for the following reasons.

First, cellphones can draw students' attention from what they are doing both in class and after class. Many students can't help playing with their cellphones at school, and it will have an influence on their study. Second, cellphones are not just for calling. Students can enter the Internet easily through them. There are all kinds of websites. Some of them are not good, but students can't tell the difference. Last but not least, using a cellphone for a long time may cause health problems for the students.  

All in all, I do think it's a good idea to keep cellphones away from school. I hope students can study with all their hearts and enjoy their school life.




未来就像一幅画,它是美丽的,是五彩缤纷的。你可曾畅想过你的未来?请以“Myself in the Future”为题,根据以下要点和要求写一篇英语短文。

要点:1. 未来的你是什么样的;

2. 未来你有什么计划或打算;

3. 如何评价未来的自己。

要求:1. 文中不得出现你所在学校的名称和师生姓名

2. 词数100左右。


Myself in the Future

What will my life be like in ten years? Let me imagine it.

Ten years later, I will be a doctor. I will work in an old people's home. I can help the sick and lonely people there. When they are ill, I will treat them professionally and patiently. In my free time, I can talk with them. I hope to be their best friend. 

I will also set up a club where I can teach the old how to keep healthy. I can share the knowledge of first aid with them. When there is something wrong with their bodies, they know how to save themselves.

I think I will be an active and easygoing person. I am willing to warm others when the wind is cold.


Myself in the Future

What will my life be like in the future? I have made a big plan for myself in the future.

In more than ten years, I'll graduate from a medical college and I'll work in a hospital. I’ll try my best to treat patients. Saving their lives and making them get well again is my greatest responsibility. Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan have been always great heroes in my heart. In the future, I want to be a good doctor like them.

In my free time, I'll read more books to open my eyes to the world. I will also do sports often to make me strong, so I can lose myself in my work.

I hope I can be a helpful doctor in the future.


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