作者:未知 时间:2021-06-30 阅读:( )
五年前,俄克拉荷马州的杰西·韦德尔(Jess Wedel)处于人生最低点。但今天,她竟然出现在世界之巅——珠穆朗玛峰!
In 2016, Jess Wedel of Oklahoma was diagnosed with cancer. She fought hard, undergoing several surgeries and months of treatment. Luckily, she didn’t have to fight alone; her mom, Valari Wedel, was by her side every step of the way.
The mom and daughter are incredibly close. They share a love of the outdoors and mountain climbing, routinely traveling to distant peaks to plant their flag at the summit. So when Jess was declared cancer-free, she was eager to get back out in the wilderness.
What better way is there to celebrate a second chance than scaling the world’s highest peak? Jess and Valari started a hard journey up Mount Everest of the Himalayas, as soon as the passage was opened in the spring of 2021.
The two of them agree that they made the journey for more than just another feather in their cap. They are hiking as if each day is their last, because for a while, it seemed that death was a very real possibility. While they hoped to be successful and become the first American mother-daughter team to reach Everest’s peak, it was always more about the journey than the destination. “It feels like part of our healing was coming into the mountains and being able to enjoy each other and have fun and just live life,” Jess said.
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