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人教版高中英语新教材选择性必修一Unit 2 Workbook部分听力和课文翻译

作者:未知 时间:2021-10-20 阅读:( )

6-选修一 unit 2 listen to this conversation again.mp3音频:00:00/02:27

7-选修一 unit 2 listen again and answer.mp3音频:00:00/02:19


Yueyue: How did you get to be so smart?

Huimin: Well, a lot of time went into research to make intelligent androids like me… Your move.

Yueyue: How much time?

Huimin: Hundreds of years. AI research first began in America in 1956... more than 350 years ago

Huimin: Not really. It wasn’t until 1997 that a computer finally beat the world’s chess champion, Garry Kasparov. That was IBM’s Deep Blue. Then in 2011, IBM’s Watson defeated some very clever human opponents on an American quiz show. It won one million dollars, which was donated to charity ...Check

Yuevue: Check? What…?

Huimin: Do you want me to make the game easier for you?

Yueyue: Yes, please

Huimin: Then in 2017, a computer named Alphago beat the world's Go champion… Alphago is my personal hero. Check

Yueyue: Easier... please!

Huimin: Sure. Would you like some tea while you think about your next move?

Yueyue: Yes. Milk, no sugar… That all sounds pretty impressive. I didn't realise AI was developed so ong ago

Huimin: But things slowed down after 2017. Yes. there were AI computers that could drive cars way back then, but none of those machines were really...human. Then in the mid-21st century, Al computers were put into robots—androids like me. But it took another hundred years for an android to write a novel. Then a hundred years after that, the first android became president of a count … Checkmate.

Yueyue: In our next game, could you let me win?

Huimin: Anything you say


***Using Language***

人教选修一Unit 2 Workbook Cloning.mp3音频:00:00/04:30


人教选修一Unit 2 Workbook Cloning.mp3音频:00:00/04:30



When it was anounced in 2018 that the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai had created the worlds first cloned monkeys, Zhongzhong and Huahua, heated discussions followed online.In fact, cloning has always been with us. It is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant. It happens in plants when gardeners take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones. It also happens in animals when identical twins are produced from the same egg. These are both examples of natural clones.


2018 年,当上海中科院宣布创造了世界上第一批克隆猴“中中”和“华华”时,网上引发了激烈的讨论。事实上,克隆一直与我们同在。这是一种复制另一种动物或植物的方法。当园丁从正在生长的植物上取下枝条来制作新的植株时,就会发生这种情况。在动物中,当同一个卵子产生同卵双胞胎时,也会发生这种情况。这两个都是自然克隆的例子。


Cloning has two major uses. First, gardeners use it to produce large quantities of plants for sale. Second, it is valuable for research on new plant species and for medical research on animals. Cloning plants is fairy straightforward, while cloning animals is much more complicated and diffcult. Over the years, many scientists failed in their attempts to clone animals, but their determination and patience paid off in 1996 with a breakthrough-the cloning of Dolly the sheep.


克隆有两个主要用途。首先,园丁用它生产大量可供出售的植物。第二,对植物新品种研究和动物医学研究都有价值。克隆植物很简单,而克隆动物则要复杂和困难得多。多年来,许多科学家克隆动物的尝试都失败了,但他们的决心和耐心在 1996 年取得了突破——克隆了多利羊。


The sheep cloning procedure works like this:




Female sheep A provid an egg cell.




The nucleus is removed from the egg cell.




The egg cell is ready for a new nucleus




Female sheep B provides a somatic cell(体细胞) for the clone. The nucleus of this cell contains all the genes needed to produce a new sheep.




The nucleus is taken out of the somatic cell.




The somatic cell nucleus from sheep B and the egg cell from sheep A are joined.




The cell divides and grows into an embryo.




The embryo is put into female sheep C, who becomes the carrier of the clone.




The lamb which is born is the clone of sheep B. It is in every way identical to sheep B,but younger.




With the advances of scientific research, cloning will have seveal major uses in the future. For one thing,it could be used to breed animals species which are endanger,or even bring back species which are extinct .For another, it could be used to grow human organs or tissue in animals which could be used for human organ transplants or medical treatments. Finally, cloning could be used to breed animals that will provide us with higher quality meat, milk, or eggs.




Whie there are technical issues that need to be worked through to make widespread cloning possible, the biggest concerns are moral. For example, if scientists brought an extinct animal back into existence, it would probably end up living in a zoo. That is not very good for the animal. Even worse for the animal is using it as a source of organ transplants—because it will be injured or even die. In addition, many people worry that eating animal products that result from cloning might be harmful to our heath over time. The possibility of using cloning to produce human beings is an even bigger concern. What would happen if such knowedge ended up in the wrong hands?




When it comes to cloning, we wonder, ultimately, whether cloning will help or harm the world.No doubt, we will be talking about this question for a long time to come.













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