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作者:未知 时间:2022-08-25 阅读:( )

父亲做好这五件事 儿子未来更幸福
As a boy grows up, there will be many people who influence him. As a father, you are his most important role model. Here are 5 things a son needs from his father.
1. He needs you to love his mother.
     When you love your wife, you are showing him how to treat his mother, his sisters, and all the women he’ll meet in his life. This will set the foundation(基础) for the relationships he will have later in his life.
2. He needs to see you fail, not just succeed.
     The best teacher is failure. When your son sees you fail and deal with the failure well, he sees that it is okay to make mistakes and that mistakes can be great teachers.
3. He needs you to be present.
     He needs you to be present in his education, in his social life, and in all areas of his life. Your presence in all areas will give him the support he needs.
1 . A man________will do good to his son’s future relationships with others.
A     loving his wife
B     talking with his son
C     giving his son money
D     staying at home often
2 . What may a son learn from his father’s failure?
A     Anyone can succeed.
B     Success is important.
C     Failure can be avoided.
D     Mistakes are not terrible.


