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作者:未知 时间:2015-07-10 阅读:( ) soon as…一…就…=directly/immediately/instantly…

  =the second/the minute/the moment/the instant…

  Eg.He came around to see me as soon as/the moment/immediately he checked in the hotel.


  They informed us the news immediately/directly they got it.


  The policeman came to the spot the moment/the instant/the minutes he heard of the accident.一听说事故,这位警察就到了现场。



  The roof fell before he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.


  He ran off before I could stop him.

  Tomy great disappointment,my favorite singer left the concert beforeI could haveaword with him.


  They walked about thirty miles to the west before they saw avillage.

  They worked day and night about three days before everything returned to normal.

  Three year spassed before I knew it.

  3.It was + 时间段 + before… 过了多久才…

  It was not long before…不久就…

  It will(not)be+时间段+before…要过多久(不久),………才………

  Eg.It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.

  It was three years before he cameback.

  It will be half a year before you graduate from this school. sooner…than…=hardly…when…一…就…,刚刚…就…

  No sooner/hardly+过去完成时,than/when+一般过去时

  如果no sooner,hardly位于句首,主句要倒装。

  He had hardly sat down to have arest when the door bell rang and in came Allan.

  No sooner had he got off the train than his daughter ran towards him.

  Hardly had we arrived when she started crying to go home.


  Once you understand this rule,you will have no further difficulty.

  Once you have decided to do something,you should do it well.

  Once you enter the chemistrylab,you should follow the teacher's instructions.




  Since he lived in Nanjing,I have not heard from him.(=since he left Nanjing…)


  Since she was in Yangzhou,she has kept in touch with her former friends.(since she leftYangzhou…)



  1)I have never seen him since he was ill.


  2)I have never seen him since he fell ill.


  It is/(has been)+时间段+since+过去式

  It is/has been two years since his father died.

  =his father has been dead for two years.=his father died two years ago.


  It has been 8 years since I graduated from university.

  =I graduated from university 8 yearsago.

  It is 3 years since he smoked.他三年不吸烟了。(即,从句动词延续性的,译成否定意义;从句动词非延续性的,译成肯定意义。)

  It is 3 years since he left school.——他毕业三年了。


  You are to stay here until/till your mother comes back.

  The meeting was put off until ten o‘clock.

  Not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV did we know much about global warning.

  =We did not know much about global warning until we watched the Earth Day program.

  =It was not until we watched the Earth Day programon TV that we knew much about global warming.

  Not until he failed in the exam did he realize that he had wasted much time playing computer games.


  I was walking along theriver when I heard a drowning boy crying for help.

  I was about to leave when it began to rain.

  对比:A:I was walking along the street when I caught sight of at ailor's shop.

  B:I was walking along the streets.Just at that moment I caught sigh to fatailor‘s shop.


  While I admit that the problem is difficult,Idon't think that it can't be solved.

  While I admit his good points,I can see his short comings.

  While I was angry with her,I didn't lose my temper.


  You should put the book where it was.

  Persistent people begin their success where other send in failure.

  Where there is a will,there is away.

  Where menare greedy,there is never peace.

  Go where you should,keep on studying.


  Please do exactly as your doctor says.

  You must do the exercises just as I show you

  As it is=as things are照现在的情形看

  He promised to studyhard,but as it is,he does no better than before.

  Leave the house as it is.I'd like to buy it as it is. if(as though)好像

  He looked at meas if I weremad.

  He was in great trouble,but heacted if/though no thing had happened.

  Although they just met for the first time,they talked as if they had been friends for many years.

  There many black clouds in the sky.It looks as if it is going to rain.



  Although/Though I'm young,I already know what career I want to follow.

  =Youngas/though/that I am,I already know what career I want to follow.


  =Much as/that/though I respect him,I cannot agree with his idea.


  =Child as/though/that he is,he knows a lot of Chinese characters.

  Although he tried,he couldn't solve the problem.

  =Try as he might,he couldn't solve the problem.

  Although it is raining,I am going out for awalk.

  =Raining as it is,I am going out for awalk.

  14.even if=even though即使…也…;即便…也…

  Even if/though I have to sell my house,I'll keep my business going.

  She won't at tendsuchpartieseventhough/ifsheisinvited.

  You are not stupid.Even though/ if you were slow instudy,you shouldn't give up studies.

  The boy was badly in jured and died at last.Even if he had been attended with out delay,

  he couldn't have been saved.


  Whether the weather is good or bad,they will set off as they planned.

  Whether he drives or takes the train,he will be here on time.

  Any person,whether young or old,has his worth,in dependent of achievements,bank accounts or looks.


  Whatever,whoever,whichever,whenever,wherever,whoever均引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter与what,who,which,when,where,how连用。

  Whatever(=No matter what)may happen,we shall not lose hope.

  Whoever/No matter who comes,he will be welcome.

  Whenever/No matter when it happened,it was certainly not yesterday.

  Wherever/No matter where he went,he made friends with people.


  I shall go tomorrow unless it rains.

  ------Shall Tom go and play football?

  ------Not unless he has finished his homework.

  Unless the sun were torise in the west,I wouldn't break my word. long as只要

  So/as long as you keep on trying,you will surely succeed.

  So/as long as you stick to your plans for your study,you are sure to make great progress.

  -----What are you going to do this afternoon?

  -----I will probably go forawalk later on so long as it stays fine.


  Suppose/supposing(that)I don't have a day off,what shall we do?


  Providing/provided(that)=on condition that假如,在…条件下

  I'll lend you the money on condition that you can return it in three months.

  I'll go providing/provided that my expenses are paid.


  Given the government's recordonunemployment,their chances of winning the election look poor.

  Given their interest in children/given that she is interested in children,I am sure teaching is the right career forher.

  Granted that的确

  Granted that it's a splendid car,but have you seen what it costs?

  21.incase that…万一;以防;incase of+n万一

  In case(that)John comes/should come,please tell him to wait.

  (in case that后谓语用一般现在时或should+动词原型)

  Please remind me about it in case I forget/should forget.

  Please take my umbrella in case (that)it rains/should rain.

  In case of fire,what should we do?

  22.祈使句(表条件)+or else/or/other wise+主句(表结果)…。否则…,要不然…。






  Henry is as good a player as Peter(is)。

  He worked as fast as ask illed worker(did)。

  We will give you as much help as we can.



  (1)a little,a bit,slightly稍微;一些





  This text is a little(a bit)more difficult than the other.

  He has made far greater progress this termthan he did last term.

  With the development of society,people in China are a good deal richer than before.

  He is two years older than=he is older than I by two years.

  Asia is three times larger than Europe.

  =Asia is three times as large as Europe.

  =Asia is three times the size of Europe.



  (2)much,alittle,abit,a great deal+more+不可数名词

  (3)a lot,some,far,any+more+可数或不可数均可,more译作“另外”

  I've made a lot(many)more mistakes than you've

  He has built up a large business and earned much more money than before. far最…。;比…。得多

  注意:by far既可修饰比较级又可修饰最高级,注意byfar在句中的位置。

  He worked harder by far than his elder brother.

  He is by far the taller of the two basketball players.

  He is by far the talles to fall the player son the team.

  His explan ation is by far clearer than the old one.


  The more you need,the better you understand.

  The higher up you go,the colder it becomes.

  A body weigh sless the further it gets from the surface of theearth.

  =The further it gets from the surface of the earth,the less the body weights.

  The sooner,the better.比较级+than表示“A和B都不……”


  Th is book is no more interesting than that one.

  He works no harder than I.他和我都不用功。

  He doesn't work harder than I.他不如我用功

  More than不仅仅no more than只不过,仅仅not more than=at most不多于

  There are no more than ten students in the class room.

  There are not more than ten students in the classroom.

  He is no more than a child,so I don't take him too seriously.



  He is more of a student than of a teacher.与其说他是个老师,倒不如说他是个学生。

  He is more diligent than clever.与其说他聪明,倒不如说他勤奋。




  This western restaurant is superior to theone we went to last week.

  He is three years junior to me=He is junior to me three years.

  She is senior to everyone else in the company.


