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作者:未知 时间:2020-02-17 阅读:( )





Unit1. Art


1. faith  n. 信任;信念;信心


break one’s faith with sb.   对某人不守信用

keep faith with sb.  守信于某人

lose faith in  不再信任

have faith in   相信; 信任

in good/bad faith    真心诚意/虚情假意


After repeated failure, he lost faith in himself.不断的失败之后,他对自己失去了信心。

Faith can remove mountains. 信仰能移山。

Never break faith, or you will lose all your friends. 不要背信弃义,否则你将失去所有的朋友。


2. aim  n. 目标;目的  vi.&vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力


take aim (at)  瞄准……

aim at  向……瞄准;旨在,针对

aim high   胸怀大志;心气很高

What is your aim in life?你生活的目标是什么?

He aimed the gun at the enemy officer.他用枪瞄准了敌人的军官。

Our factory must aim at developing new models of machines.我们的工厂必须致力于研制新型机械。


3. consequently  adv.&conj. 所以,因而(=therefore)

Mr Foster has never been to China. Consequently he knows very little about it.



be consequent on/upon  因……引起的;

consequence n.  后果;结果;重要性

be of consequence   重要的

as a consequence=as a result   结果

in consequence   由于

as a consequence of=as a result of作为……的结果

in consequence of   由于;作为……的结果

He is a man of great consequence. 他是一个重要的人物。


4. possession  n.(尤作复数)所有;财产


in possession of sth.拥有/占有某物

in the possession of/in one’s possession 被……拥有

take/gain/get/have possession of sth.拥有某物

When his father died, he came into possession of a large fortune. 父亲死后,他拥有了一大笔遗产。

The people had to gather up their few possessions and escape from the hills. 人们不得不收拾仅有的财产,逃下山去。


possess  vt.  拥有;具有;支配


5. concentrate  vt. 集中,浓缩


concentrate on/upon 集中在;专心于

concentrate one’s attention/mind on  注意力集中在……

I quickly concentrated the camera on the children. 我迅速把照相机的镜头对准孩子们。


pay attention to 注意

focus on  集中(注意力,关心)于……

fix one’s attention/eyes/mind on  集中精力/目光/心思在……

The children fixed their eyes on the teacher in class.  孩子们聚精会神地听老师讲课。


6. attempt  vt. 尝试;企图  n. 努力;尝试;企图


attempt to do/doing=try to do/doing=make an attempt to do/doing  尝试做……

at one’s first attempt  某人第一次尝试

in an attempt to do sth.  试图做某事

make an attempt on sb.’s life  企图谋杀某人

attempt at/on sth.试图做某事

They attempted to finish the task before July.他们试图在七月以前完成这项任务。

They attempted on the life of the dictator. 他们试图杀死这个独裁者。

He made an attempt on the world record. 他试图打破世界纪录。

Her attempt at poetry was a failure.她尝试写诗但失败了。







7. score  n. 二十;划痕, 刻线;欠帐;得分, 成绩;评分;乐谱  v. 划线,做记号;记分,得分;谱曲

Yao Ming scored again in the second half. 姚明在下半场时再次得分。


three score (of) people  60人

make a good score  得分多;成绩好

in scores  很多的, 大批的

score out  划掉,删去


scoreboard  n. 记分板/牌

scorer  n. 记分员;得分的运动员

scores of  很多(前面不能加数词)


数词+score,不加of;但用a score of。

score前有数词修饰,而且score后所修饰的名词前有the, those, these等表示限定的词时,必须加of。


Unit2. Poems 


1. convey  vt. 运送;传达;表达;转让(财产等)


convey sth. to sb.  向某人传达/运送某物

convey sth./sb. to someplace   把某物/某人送到某地

convey one’s feelings/thanks to sb.  向某人表达某种感情/谢意

Passengers are conveyed by bus to the airport.旅客们被公共汽车送往机场。

A wire conveys an electric current. 电线传导电流。

I found it hard to convey my feelings in words. 我觉得难以用语言表达我的感情。

The old farmer conveyed his farm to his son. 老农夫将农场转让给儿子。







2. transform  v. 变成,彻底改变;转换;转化;改造


transform...into...  使……变成……

transform one’s life  改变某人的一生

transform to a new place  搬到新地方

be transformed from  由……变成……;由……迁到……

be transformed from A to B  由A处迁到B处

Hard work transformed her completely into an ordinary housewife.艰辛劳动彻底把她变成了一个普通的家庭妇女。

The company is transformed from a family business into one with 5,000 labours.



transformation n.改革;转变;变化


3. appropriate  adj. 适当的;正当的  v. 侵吞;盗用;挪用;拨(专款等)


an appropriate response/measure/method  恰如其分的反应/恰当的措施/方法

be appropriate to/for  适于;合乎

It is appropriate that ...  (从句中用可以省略should的虚拟语气形式)

The government appropriated a large sum of money for building hospitals.政府拨了一大笔钱用来建造医院。

Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word.在每个空白处填入一个适当的单词。

The mayor was found to have appropriated government money.市长被查出挪用了公款。


appropriately adv. 适当地


4. load  n. 负荷物(尤指沉重的),载重物;压力,负担,工作量 v. 装载;给……负荷


a load of= loads of =plenty of 大量,许多

take a load off one’s mind  打消某人的顾虑  

a heavy load for  对某人是一件重负

load (up) ...with ...  用……装……

load ...onto/into ...  把……装到……上去

load off one’s mind  去除某人的精神负担

Supporting such a large family is really a heavy load for her.她养这么一大家子,负担真的很重。

I had loads of fun today. 我今天玩得很开心。

She loaded film into the camera.她把胶卷装到照相机里。



常见结构为:load (up) A with B或load (up) B onto (into) A;被动形式:A is loaded (up) with B或B is loaded (up) onto A。


5. exchange  n. 交换;交流;互换   vt. & vi. 调换;交换


exchange sth. with sb.  和某人交换某物

in exchange for    交换

exchange sth. for sth.  用某物交换某物

exchange looks   交换眼色

exchange information  交流信息

exchange greetings   互相问候;打招呼

exchange words   相互交谈

An exchange of opinions is helpful. 相互交换意见是有益的。

An exchange of prisoners during a war is unusual. 战争时期很少交换俘虏。

We’ll have an opportunity to exchange views tomorrow. 明天我们将有机会交换看法。

The store will not exchange goods without a receipt. 这家商店没有收据不予调换商品。


Unit3. A healthy life


1. stress  n. 压力;重音  vt. 加压力于;使紧张


under stress    在压力之下

under the stress of     在……的压力下

stress sth.或lay/place/put stress on sth.   强调某事物;给某物压力

The weight of snow stressed the roof to the point of collapsing.雪的重量压得屋顶快要塌了。

Too much work and stress does damage to your health. 过量的工作和压力会对你的健康有害。

In the word “mother” the stress is on the first syllable. 在“mother”这个单词中,重音在第一个音节上。


stressed adj. 焦虑不安的;心力交瘁的

stressful adj. 压力大的;紧张的高手过招


2. accustom  vt. 使习惯于


accustom oneself to=be accustomed to (其中to为介词)习惯于……

These people accustomed themselves to hard work.这些人习惯于艰苦的工作。

I am not accustomed to being interrupted.我不习惯被别人打扰。

He is accustomed to loneliness.他对孤独已经习以为常。



be/get used to doing

adapt oneself to doing

adjust oneself to doing


3. quit  vt. 停止(做某事);离开


quit something   离开……

quit doing something    停止做某事

He got his present job when he quitted the school.他退学后得到现在这份工作。

Quit talking rubbish. 别胡说八道了。


4. ashamed  adj.感到羞耻的;感到惭愧的(常作表语)


be/feel ashamed of (doing) sth./sb./oneself 为做某事/某人/某人自己而感到惭愧

be ashamed to be/to do sth.   因难为情而不愿意做……

be ashamed that ...  为……而感到惭愧或羞耻

be ashamed for sb. 替某人感到惭愧

I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed (of myself) now.我昨天表现得不好,现在感到很惭愧。

She was ashamed to ask such a simple question.她不好意思提这么简单的问题。



ashamed 指事情使人感到羞耻,惭愧,难为情等。

shameful  指事情或行为本身不道德。



5. effect  n. 结果,效力;作用;影响(后接on/upon)


put/bring/carry ...into effect   付诸实施

in effect  事实上;实际上

take effect   生效;奏效

come into effect  开始实施;开始生效

This had a great effect upon the future of both mother and son.这对母子俩的将来影响很大。

The medicine began to take effect.药力开始生效了。

I tried to persuade him, but with little effect.我尽力劝他,但他根本不听。

An effect presupposes a cause.有果必有因。


6. risk  n. 冒险;风险  vt. 冒……风险;冒……的风险


at risk   处于危险之中

at all risks=at any risk   无论冒什么险;无论如何

at one’s own risk   由自己负责,自担风险

at the risk of doing sth.  冒着……的危险

risk one’s life   冒生命危险

run/take a risk/risks   冒风险

run the risk of doing sth. 冒着……的风险

risk doing sth.  冒险做……

If you don’t obey me, you should be at your own risk.你如果不服从我的话,你应该自担风险。

They knew they risked being arrested.他们知道自己冒着被捕的危险。


Unit4. Global warming


1. subscribe  vi. 同意;捐赠;订阅  vt. (签署)文件;捐助


subscribe to ...  同意,赞许;(在文件等下面)签名,署名

subscribe sth. to ... 捐助

subscribe to/for ...   订阅;订购(书籍等)

He did not subscribe to my proposal. 他不赞同我的建议。

He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund. 他向救济基金捐赠巨资。

He subscribed his name to a petition. 他在请愿书上签名。


2. tend  vt. & vi. (常与to连用)有某种倾向;有……的趋势;走向;趋向;朝向;照管,照料;看护

People under stress tend to express their full range of potential.处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。

He tends to pitch the ball too high.他往往把球掷得过高。

Prices are tending upward. 物价在上涨。

The woman stayed at home to tend her child. 那个妇女呆在家里照料她的孩子。


3. oppose  vt. 反对;反抗;对抗;(与to连用)使反对,使相对


as opposed to (表示对比)而,相对于

Many members of the council opposed the building of the luxury houses in the centre of the city.


My mother is opposed to the new plan. 我妈妈是反对这个新计划的。

Many residents are opposed to the plan of building the motorway.许多居民反对修建那条高速公路的计划。




oppose 为常用词,指“对某人、某事采取积极行动来反对”,强调动作,尤指“反对一种观念、思想、计划等”。

object 常指“用言论或论据等表示反对”, 强调“个人嫌厌”和“由于与个人有关,因此提出反对意见”。



4. consequence  n.[C]结果;后果;影响

I’m quite willing to accept the consequences. 我完全愿意承担后果。

You should know the consequence of not studying hard.你应该知道不用功学习的后果。

This had the unexpected consequence that he got fired.这件事有了意外的后果,那就是他被革职了。


as a consequence (of ...)=in consequence (of ...)=as a result (of ...) 结果;因此;由于……的原因


consequent adj.(+on/upon)   因……而起的;随之发生的

consequently adv.    结果;因此;必然地


5. average  adj. 平均的;普通的  n. 平均;平均数

The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 这个班男生的平均年龄为十五岁。

It was an average piece of work.那是一件普通的作品。

The average man is not interested in this subject. 普通人一般对这个题目不感兴趣。


on average 平均地;通常

above/below average  高于/低于平均数/水平

an average of ...  ……的平均数

up to average 达到平均数

The average of 4 and 8 is 6. 4和8的平均数为6。

Two students are absent each day on average.平均每天有两个学生缺席。


6. blame  v. 埋怨,责备


be to blame   应受谴责,应负责任

blame something on sb.    把……归咎于

blame sb. for sth./doing sth.     因……而责备某人

City residents also blame migrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate.


They blamed the failure on George. 他们把失败归咎于乔治。

Blame me if I don’t. 我要是不这样做,随你怎么办好了。


blameful adj.   该受责备的,有过错的

blameless adj.    无可责难的,无过错的  

blameworthy adj.   该受责备的


Unit5. The power of nature


1. appoint  vt. 任命;委派

He appointed Williams as his deputy in the city of York.他任命威廉姆斯作为他在约克郡的代理人。

He was appointed mayor of the city.他被任命为这个城市的市长。


appoint sb. to a post 派某人担任某职

The teacher appointed him (to be) monitor. 老师任命他为班长。


appointment n.   约会;约定;委任

make/have an appointment with sb.  与某人约会

break one’s appointment    违约;失约

keep one’s appointment    守约

appointed adj.  约定的;指定的

Our visitors arrived at the appointed time.我们的来宾在约定的时间到达了。


2. evaluate  vt. 评估;评价;估计

The scientists have evaluated the data. 那些科学家已经评价了那些资料。

We need to evaluate how well the method is working.我们需要对这一方法产生的效果作出评价。


evaluation n.  估价;评价;计算

accomplishment evaluation  学业成绩评定

selfevaluation     自我评价

educational evaluation    教育评定

evaluation factor    评价因素

evaluation method    评价方法




evaluate 一般不用来表示“估价”或“估计”某物的市场价值。




3. vary  vt. 改变, 变更, 使多样化  vi. 变化, 不同, (彼此)相异


vary in/on  在……方面不同

vary from ...  从……到……不等;在……到……之间变动

vary with/according to  随……变化而变化

a variety of/varieties of=various  多种多样的

The temperature varied throughout the day.气温一整天都在变化着。


4. guarantee  vt. 保证;担保  n. 保证,保证书,担保,抵押品


guarantee to do sth.   保证做某事     

guarantee that/sth...  保证……

guarantee sb. sth. 保证某人某物   

give sb. a guarantee that ... 向某人保证……

The rain guarantees a good crop this year. 这场雨保证了今年有个好收成。

My watch is guaranteed for one year. 我的表保修一年。





