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同步微课课本单元讲解:选修七Unit1 Living well

作者:未知 时间:2020-02-22 阅读:( )

Unit1 Living well



Ⅰ. 常考单词必背


1.ambition n.雄心;野心

ambitious adj. 有雄心的;有野心的


His only fault is that he lacks ambition.



2.beneficial adj. 有益的;受益的

benefit vt. 有益于 vi.受益;得到好处 n.好处;益处


Your medicine has benefited me much.




benefit from 从……中受益

be of benefit to 对……有益(=be beneficial to)

for the benefit of 为……(的利益)


3.clumsy adj. 笨拙的


4.adapt vt.&vi. ①(使)适应②改编;改写


I suggested he should adapt himself to his new conditions.




(1)adapt(oneself) to(doing) sth (使某人)适应(做)某事

adapt...from... 根据……改编……

be adapted for 为……而改编

(2)adaptation n.[C] & [U] 适应;改编;改写本;改编的作品


5.absence n.①[C] & [U]缺席;不在②[U]缺乏


A stranger brought you this letter during your absence.




(1)absence of mind 心不在焉

in sb's absence 某人不在时

in the absence of sth 缺乏某物

(2)absent adj. ①缺席的;不在的 ②缺乏的

be absent from 缺席……

absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的


6.resign vi. 辞职;放弃 vt. 辞去;放弃;把……交付(给)


All the employees resign because the employer is too unreasonable.


She resigned her baby to the care of her neighbour.


resign from a job 辞职


7.adequate adj. ①足够的②恰当的;胜任的



be adequate for 足够……

be adequate to do...... 胜任做……;足以做……


8.access n.①接近/进入的方法;到达/进入的权利②通道;入口


Only a few people have access to the full facts of the incident.




have/gain/get/obtain access to 可接近;可进入;可使用

accessible/ək'sesəbl/ adj. 容易取得的;容易接近的;容易受影响的

be accessible to 能接近……,可使用……


9.approval n.[C] & [U]赞成;同意;批准


Do the plans meet with your approval?




(1)approve vt. 赞成;同意

approve of sb's doing sth 同意某人做某事

(2)without approval 未经许可

give one's approval to 同意;批准


10.profit n.[C] & [U]利润;收益;利益;益处 vt.&vi.有益(于);有利(于)


A company whose profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.


It will profit us nothing to do that.



Ⅱ. 高频短语必会 other words 换句话说



have a word with sb 与某人谈话

keep/break one's word 遵守诺言/食言;失信

beyond words 无法用语言表达


2.cut out 切下,裁剪



cut across 抄近路

cut away 切,剪,去掉

cut down 减少,砍倒

cut in 插嘴,插队

cut off 切断,阻碍

cut up 切碎,使悲痛,使伤心


3.out of breath 上气不接下气


Reaching the top of the tower,he was out of breath.



catch/hold one's breath 屏息;憋住气

lose one's breath 喘不过气


4.all in all 总而言之

5.sit around 闲坐着 many ways 在很多方面 well as 也;和

8.make fun of 取笑

9.never mind 不必担心 with 遇到;经历;会晤


Ⅲ. 写作句式必学


1.Every time I returned after an absence,I felt stupid because I was behind the others.



2.Sometimes,too,I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered.



3.Just accept them for who they are,and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.




Ⅰ. 单句语法填空


1.__To_work__(work) out the difficult maths problem, I have consulted Professor Russell several times.


2.There are still many problems __to__ be solved before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.


3.Group activities will be organized after class __to_help__(help) children develop team spirit.


4.To return to the problem of water pollution , I'd like you to look at a study__conducted__(conduct) in Australia in 2012.


5.It was really annoying;I couldn't get access__to__the data bank you had recommended.


6.My grandfather often goes to the countryside, because he thinks a stay there will be __beneficial__(benefit) to his health.


7.Literal translation, __in__ other words, word­for­word translation is not encouraged.


8.—Is Bob still working in your school?


—I'm afraid not. He is said __to_have_resigned__ (resign) and to be teaching in a private school recently.


9.__Adapted__(adapt) from J.K. Rowling's book series of the same title, the Harry Potter movies are universally acknowledged as classics.


10.The U.S.declares it has the best medical technology in the world, but quite a lot of Americans have no access __to__ health care service.


Ⅱ. 完成句子


1.__All_in_all__(总而言之),Zhang Haidi is a great writer of strong will, who encourages us to overcome all the difficulties we meet with.


2.Everyone hates __to_be_made_fun_of__(被取笑).


3.It was __not_until__(直到……才) he worked in a foreign company that he realized having a good command of English is beneficial __in_many_ways__(在很多方面).


4.She is a novelist __as_well_as__(又) a literary critic(评论家).


5.After running for an hour, Tom has difficulty in breathing.__In_other_words__(换句话说), he is out of breath.


6.On the contrary, she had learned to __adapt_to__ (适应) her disability and lived __as_rich_and_full_a_life_as_others_did__ (像其他人一样过着丰富多彩的生活).




English is __as_important_a_subject__ as math.


8.老师不知道该为这乱七八糟的教室去责备谁。(wh­- to do)


The teacher didn't know __who_to_blame__ for the messy classroom.




__Every_time__ I pass by the window, I stop to take a glance at the fabulous shoes on display.




There is no doubt __that__ our community has taken a series of measures to take care of __the_disabled__, __for_example__building adequate access for wheelchairs.


Ⅲ. 单句改错


1.It was his absent of mind during driving that resulted in the terrible accident.




2.From the flats we have an easy access to shops and schools.




3.We offer our congratulation to you on your passing the College Entrance Examination.




4.Having settled in that remote area, the young man quickly adapted the weather.




5.He has broken his words so many times that I cannot trust him any more.




6.Morris lay on the grass, stared at the sky for a long time.




同步微课课本单元讲解:选修七Unit1 Living well



Ⅳ. 语篇填空


My life is a lot easier at high school ①__because__ my fellow students have accepted me. The few who cannot see the real person inside my body do not make me ②__annoyed__ (annoy), and I just ignore them. All in all I have ③__a__ good life. I am happy to have found many things I can do, like writing and computer programming. My ambition is④__to_work__(work) for a firm that develops computer software when I grow up. Last year I ⑤__invented__ (invent) a computer football game and a big company has decided to buy it⑥__from__ me. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around ⑦__feeling__ (feel) sorry for myself. As well as going to the movies and football matches with my friends, I spend a lot of time with ⑧__my__ pets. I have two rabbits, a parrot, a tank full of fish and a tortoise. To look after my pets properly takes a lot of time but I find ⑨__it__ worthwhile. I also have to do a lot of work, especially⑩__if__ I have been away for a while.


Ⅴ. 话题写作






Being lame in the left leg ever__made_Tom_annoyed__.




To our delight,he has__adapted_to__it.




With the encouragement and assistance of his companions,he gradually__gained_access_to__ sports.




In spite of his__disabled__leg,he__as_well_as__his teammates won the championship in the sports meeting of our school last month.





Being lame in the left leg ever made Tom annoyed,however,to our delight, he has adapted to it. Now encouraged and assisted by his companions,he gradually gained access to sports. In spite of his disabled leg,he as well as his teammates won the championship in the sports meeting of our school last month.

上一篇:同步微课课本单元讲解:选修七Unit2 Robots

