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作者:未知 时间:2020-11-19 阅读:( )






A: What are you doing, Lily?

B: I'm looking through the pictures about my birthday party. I want to put some on Weibo. But they all look so good that I can't 1 .

A: Are you 2 to share personal pictures on the Internet?

B: Yes, my parents don't mind that. Nowadays, it's popular to share pictures on Weibo or on WeChat Moments. I really love communicating with my online friends.

A: Friends? Do you know all the people on your Weibo?

B: Actually, many of them are 3 . But does that matter?

A: I don't know. But why would you share your life with those you don't know? Some people may say something bad.

B: I 4 . Most of them are nice. They cheer me up when I say something upset; they congratulate me when I get a prize. Whatever I say, I know they are always there to listen. That's great, isn't it?

A: I know that 5 . But can you give me a deeper reason why you open yourself up to that?

B: I think my 6 is responsible. As an outgoing girl, I love making friends and sharing. Besides, I don't really care what other people say. I just want to be myself.

A: I'm the opposite. I'm so shy that I only like sharing with those who have a near 7 to me.

B: That's quite normal. The choice we make depends on who we are.

A: You have a point. But I have to remind you. Nowadays, people can 8 their real identity and be anyone online. And there are all kinds of 9 . Someone may steal your personal information or use your photos or information to cheat others.

B: Oh, that's really dangerous.

A: So you should share 10 online to protect yourself. You can choose some pictures that don't show your face. Or you can check your privacy setting (隐私设置) to make sure only your friends can see your sharing.


1. decide2. allowed3. strangers4. disagree5. feeling

6. character7. relation8. hide9. tricks/dangers10. wisely


二、完成对话。在空格中填上适当的单词, 使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。把答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。 (共10小题, 每小题1分;计10分)

(W = Wife; M = Husband)

W: I'm really tired of being surrounded (包围) by these four white walls, honey.

M: Hmm. How about having the walls painted other 1 , like light blue or pink?

W: I want something more exciting than that, dear. Why not put up some wallpaper?

M: Sounds great, honey. Well, we have 2 most of our furniture (家具), but we still need a TV set in our sitting-room. Shall we buy one made in China? It is cheap and it can 3 us a lot of money.

W: I suggest we buy a TV set made in Germany. Though it's a bit 4 , it is of very high quality and it is good value (值) for money. If there are some problems, we can ask them to change it or 5 our money.

M: I quite agree with you. A new department store was 6 here last month, where we can buy almost everything.

W: Why bother? We can buy them online. Nowadays, with just a single click on your mouse (鼠标), 7 you order online can be sent to you soon. It can't be more 8 .

M: We must think twice before we decide to buy things on the Internet. You know, there are too many advertisements giving false (不真实的) 9 .

W: You're right, honey. We should watch out while 10 online, or we might be easily fooled into buying things of poor quality.


1. colors 2. bought 3. save 4. expensive 5. return

6. opened 7. whatever8. convenient 9. information10. shopping


二、完成对话 在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。(共10小题,每小题1分; 计10分)

A: How time flies! We've been in Grade 9 for a month.

B: Yeah. Everyone seems to have a new beginning this term.

A: Although most of us try hard to study, the __ 1_ _ that we've made is so different. Some become the top studentswhile the others are still behind.

B: Our teacher tells us learning is like a long journey, so __2__ can't happen overnight. We need to keep on going ahead.

A: Also I discovered that learning _ 3_ _ are also important. Recently, a girl named Sophia, who is from Harvard (哈佛) University shares her learning experience on her blog.

B: Have you read it yet?

A: Of course. Her article called "How to Study Like a Harvard Student" has __ 4__ widely through Internet. She tells us how to learn___5__ ? You see, she has learned hard but comfortably. One of her suggestions is to take notes by hand. She believes it is a god way of carving(难刻) something into your ___6____so that you can remember for a long time.

B: I'm used to underlining instead of writing notes. Maybe I'll try to change my way. What's more?

A: Guss what? She says that study less, but study well. _ 7_ __, our parents or teachers want us to study more. I wonder why she says so.

B: I agree with her. Don't always think about how much you've learnt, think how well you've learnt instead.

A: Oh. I see. She's so helpful. She __ 8_ _ what she has found with what we junior high school students need to pay attention in our study.

B: Learning seems the most important part in our life now.

A: Not really. __ 9 __tries to be a top student should care about others like his families or friends. They always love and help us.

B: You really teach me a lot. You remind me that I often argue with my parents recently. The busy study can't be the excuse for being ___10_ __ to our families.

A: Hope we can be a better man.


1.progress 2. success 3.ways 4. spread 5.wisely

6.mind 7.However\Normally 8.connecting 9.whoever 10.impolite


二、完成对话。在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确;一空一词(含缩写词)。 (共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)

A: How do you feel about your job, Jack?

B: I've been working for two months. But I think I'll 1 more time to be used to it.

A: Is there anything 2 you?

B: I don't think I am good 3 at communicating. Every time I get a call, I am 4 to have a successful talk.

A: It's normal for a person 5 any working experience to fail to make the talk go well. I used to have a similar experience.

B: Really? Then could you please help me out?

A: Sure. Having good telephone skills can 6 the breakdown(破裂) of the relationship. First, make sure you answer the call properly, giving your name and the name of your company(公司).

B: OK. What's next?

A: Use a friendly tone(语调). If you sound 7 or too busy, the caller will think you are impolite.

B: If I meet someone with little interest in what I'm talking about, I will think the same.

A: What words you choose has big 8 . If you haven't heard the caller 9 , what will you say?

B: Maybe simply say "What did you say?".

A: Oh, he may not want to deal with you or your company again. You should say "I'm sorry. Could you say that again, please?" 10 .

B: Thanks for telling me so much.


二、完成对话。在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。(每小题1 分,共 10 分)

A: Do you know that France will enter a new nationwide lockdown starting this Friday?

B: No. You know the computer in my office was broken. It is often used for 1 our sales information. This week, I have to calculate(计算) and analyse (分析) all the information on my own instead. It needs a lot of time and great 2 , or it's easy for me to give it up. So I have no time to go through the latest news online. Can you tell me more about that?

A: Sure. French President Macron announced the new lockdown on October 28th. It will last at least the whole November to stop the 3 of the novel coronavirus.

B: Actually, I don't really understand the meaning of the word "lockdown".

A: Oh, it means that all bars and restaurants in France must be closed, and people will only be allowed to leave their homes in order to go to work, shop for food, and exercise for an hour each day. But schools will remain open and elderly nursing homes can be visited.

B: Why will they take such measures(措施)?

A: Because it's said that there were more than 500 COVID-19 related 4 on October 26th in France, the highest level since late April.

B: Oh, I 'm shocked by the number of the people who died from COVID-19 on a single day.

A: Furthermore, COVID-19 infections( 感 染 ) in France reached a new record on October 27, __5 by 36,000 within one day.

B: I think it's necessary for them to take action as soon as possible at the very first 6 of new outbreaks(爆发). If not, the second wave(波浪) that no doubt will be harder than the first can't be 7 . After all, nothing is more important than human life.

A: Yeah, I can't agree with you more. The announcement in France came hours after German Chancellor Angela Merkel laid out 8 measures in Germany, which will enter a four-week lockdown from Monday.

B: It seems that many countries in Europe are in a difficult situation again.

A: So some experts in Europe warned, " We cannot lower our guard. This crisis is not behind us. What's more, winter is the time of the year for more respiratory( 呼 吸 的 ) 9 , including season flu. We have to call on everyone to act quickly. It might be our last chance to stop a repeat of last spring. "

B: Oh, thanks to our government and the doctors, I think the COVID-19 is under 10 in China. We are so proud of being Chinese!







