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人教版高中英语新教材选择性必修一Unit 1知识清单

作者:未知 时间:2021-10-20 阅读:( )


Unit 1 People of achievement 


1.vital adj 必不可少的,极其重要的;充满生机的

(1)至关重要 be of vital importance

(2)对......重要: be vital to/for 

(3)至关重要的是 It is vital that…


2.committed adj尽心尽力的,坚定的;坚信的,

→ commit vt.承诺,保证。犯(错误、罪行)

→ commitment n. 投入,奉献;承诺

(1)犯罪 commit a crime

(2)把某物投入到某事上 commit sth to sth

(3)抽出一小时读英语: commit an hour to reading English

(4)承诺做某事: commit sb/oneself to doing sth

=make a commitment to doing sth

(5)尽力做某事: be committed to doing sth


3.distinct . adj 清晰的;清楚的;有区别的

→ distinction n. 差别 特性;杰出;殊荣

(1)很明显...... It is distinct that….

(2)区分开来;区别对待: make a distinction

(3)没有区别: make no distinction

(4).......和......之间的区别: distinction between…and…


4. obtain (尤指经努力)获得;赢得 (规章、习俗等)存在;流行

(1)得到某人许可: obtain one’s permission

(2)获准进入、加入: get/ obtain an admission to


5.acknowledge vt. 承认(属实、权威等):(公开)感谢

→ acknowledgment n.承认,答谢

(1)承认做某事: acknowledge doing sth

(2)承认...... acknowledge that….

(3)承认某人、事为......acknowledge sb/sth as…/to be…

(4)大家所公认的是...... It is universally acknowledged that…


6. defeat n.失败;挫败 vt 击败;战胜

(1)认输、接受失败、面临失败:admit/accept/face defeat

(2)惜败、惨败: a narrow/ heavy defeat


7. apparent adj 显而易见的

(1)显而易见的是......It is apparent that…

→ apparently adv 显而易见、显然


8. insist vi/vt 坚持;坚决要求

(1)坚决要求做...... insist on doing sth

(2)坚决要求某人做: insist that sb (should )+动词原形


9. conclusion n. 结论;推论

(1)得出结论:come to/draw/ reach a conclusion

(2)匆忙下结论: jump to conclusions

(3)使......结束:bring…to a conclusion

→ conclude n.总结

(1)最后......: to conclude

(2)以......结束conclude with


10. circumstance n 条件;环境;状况

(1)在任何情况下:in/under any circumstances

(2)如果情况允许: if circumstances allow/permit

(3)决不(=never): in/under no circumstances(放句首时主句用倒装语序)


11.genius n 天才;天资;天赋

 (1)做某事的天才:a genius at doing sth

 (2)有(做)某事的才能 have a genius for doing sth


12.passion n 酷爱;激情

(1)充满激情地: with passion

(2)唤起某人的激情:arouse one’s passion

(3)充满激情: be filled with passion

(4)酷爱......have a passion for

→ passionate  adj.热情的


13.consequence n.结果;后果


as a consequence

==in consequence=as a result


as a consequence of

==in consequence of =as a result of


take/suffer/face the consequences of sth


of little/no consequence

→ consequent adj 

→ consequently adv 结果,因此


14. encounter vt 偶然碰到;遇到 n 邂逅;遭遇


come across/run across


15. sum vi 总结;概括 n 金额;款项;总数;总和

(1)概括起来说: to sum up

(2)许多,大量: a sum of

(3)一大笔钱: a large sum of money

(4)作总结;概括地说: sum up



stand up to 经得住(检验等)

1.支持,维护:stand up for

2.代表,象征: stand for

3.袖手旁观;支持某人;信守,遵守(诺言、协定):stand by

4.突出,显眼,脱颖而出: stand out


come to power (开始) 掌权;上台(强调动作)

1.执政(状态)be in power

2.为某人能力所不及: beyond one’s power

3.在能力(权力)之内: within one’s power


take up 占用(时间),占据空间;接受;开始从事

1.占用大量的时间:take up a lot of time

2.占空间: take up space/room

3.开始从事写作:take up writing

4.拆开,拆卸: take apart

5.吸收;理解;收留;欺骗: take in

6.脱下;起飞;突然开始成功,突然大受欢迎;休假: take off

7.呈现;雇用;承担: take on

8.接管,接任: take over

9.注意到: take notice of



1.On/upon +n/ving 是介词短语,表示“一......就......”作时间状语



Upon hearing that she had been awarded the Nobel Prize, she said, “The honour is not just mine….”



On/upon hearing it, you will never forget it.


一......、就......(引导时间状语从句)as soon as

(1)Hardly/scarely…when…/ no sooner….than…(注意:当hardly. Scarcely, no sooner than 位于句首时,主句用部分倒装结构,从句不用倒装)

(2)一看见、听见 the sight/sound of

(3)名词作连词、后跟句子 the moment/minute/instant/second+句子



2.It is an honor for sb/sth to do sth 对某人、某物来说做某事是个荣耀。


It is indeed an honor for China’s scientific research and Chinese medicine to spread around the world.



It’s a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech.


3.It strikes sb that….某人突然想到......


sth occurs to sb/sth hits sb/sth strikes sb/ 

It occurs to sb that…

t hit sb that …



It occurred to me that we ought to make a new plan.

Now it occurred  to him that his farm had much potential and that the death of cow was a bit of luck.


4.As though/if 从句(虚拟语气)



He had a thick moustache and long white hair, which sometimes stood on end as though he had just received an electric shock.

注意:as if/though 从句用虚拟语气



从句用would/ could/ might do形式(与将来的事实相反)


It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I had done it(好像是我干的)?

He treats his elder sister as though she were a stranger.(好像她是一个陌生人)。











上一篇:人教版高中英语新教材选择性必修一Unit 1课文听力

下一篇:人教版高中英语新教材选择性必修一Unit 1同步练习
