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外研社版高一英语新教材必修二Unit 3基础巩固练习

作者:未知 时间:2021-11-08 阅读:( )


Unit 3 On the move


1. I'm sorry, but he is not_____(有空的) at the moment,for the meeting hasn t ended.

2. I suppose I can get a good mark which will enable me to entermy_____ (理想的) college.

3. Hе was named the " people's artist” and the " great_____( 大师 )of language”.

4. We should settle_____ (冲突) in a peaceful way,thus friendship comes into being.

5. The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of______(因素),most of which are beyond our control.

6. The enemy_____ (士兵) were fleeing in all directionswhen they were attacked.

7. Our government should make laws to forbid the use of______ (塑料制的)bags in supermarkets.

8.I can_____(向 .....保证)you that the animals are wellcared for.

9. Consumers could place smart devices in their homes to_____ (监测) energy usage.

10. Many students were trapped by smoke and fire on the_____ (较高的) floor.



1. Adjusting______ the tropical (热带的)heat was more difficult than they had expected.

2. I was delighted to be able to eat my favourite dishes_____ my heart's content.

3. He smiled then and quickly put_____ he number of apassing car.

4. In their efforts to persuade us_____ ( buy) this or thatproduct, advertisers have made a close study of human natureand have classified all our little weaknesses.

5. Fires broke_____ everywhere, and the entire city went upin flames.

6.I suggest that we meet_____ a regular basis to discussprogress.

7. Her trust in me has inspired me_____ ( attempt) to dowhat I never imagined possible.

8. Some people think that students should be trained to defend themselves ______ some attacks.

9. You should set yourself_____ goal at the beginningeach school year.

10. The trees planted at the end of the 199 have become apowerful_____

( defend) against the strong wind.



1. Teenagers should keep a_____ between study andentertainment as well as a_____ diet. ( balance )

2. You can_____ the desks and chairs to the height of thestudents as the

_____is not difficult to make. ( adjust )

3. None of the students_____ to her question; in otherwords, her question failed to get a_____ from any of thestudents. ( respond )

4. The new labs are_____ with advanced_____. ( equip)

5. In time of war, lots of money will be spent on_____ andmany measures will be taken to_____ а country frombeing attacked. ( defend )

6. After he came to_____, everyone said he was а_____ leader, but now he feels so_____ that he even can't save hisdaughter. ( power )

7. They_____, exist for a brief moment and then______ again. ( appear )



1. He parked his car outside the back door_______________________.


2. I was told that there were about 50 foreign students _____________in the school.


3 __________you tied your best, we decide to give you anotherchance.


4. As far as I'm concerned, the book______________________.


5. Just now I_______________________________ in the playground.




As we all know, football is a popular sport in the world. It has 1_____ history of over two thousand years. Football can go back to Ancient China, when it was known as cuju ,2_____ used a ball of animal skins with hair inside. 3 _____( goal) were hung in the air. Modern football started in Great Britain where thegame was given new rules.
Not only 4 ______( be) football a simple game but also it isvery cheap to play , which makes it popular. People needn't buyexpensive equipment and balls. Everywhere you can see kids5_____ ( play) to their hearts' content with a ball which is madeof plastic bags. Another factor which makes football 6_____( global) popular is the creativity and excitement that attract millions of people.
What's more , people has regarded football as one of thebest ways forpeople 7_____ ( communicate ) :everyone understands it without using words. Take the famous footballgame 8 _____ Christmas Day 1914 for example. During World War I British and German soldiers unexpectedly put down 9_____(they) guns and played football together. Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. This might sound funny,but if we think about the Earth, we can realise that our planet 10_____ (shape) like a football.






一、1 available  2 ideal  3 master  4 conflicts  5 factors 6 soldiers  7 plastic  8 assure  9 monitor  10 upper

二、1 to   2 to  3 down  4 to buy  5 out 6 on  7 to attempt  8 from/against  9 a  10 defence

三、1 balance; balanced

2 adjust; adjustment

3 responded; response

4 equipped; equipment

5 defence; defend

6 power; powerful; powerless

7 appear; disappear

四、1 as he usually does

2 studying Chinese

3 Given that

4 is hard to understand

5 saw Peter playing basketball

五、1 a 2 which 3 Goals 4 is  5 playing 6 globally 7 to communicate 8 on 9 their  10 is shaped


I will never forget my experience of practicing gymnastics . I was persuaded to practice gymnastics as a young boy. However , I couldn`t adjust myself to the tough environment, because the coach asked me to keep balance again and again. But the coach inspired me to try my best. In response to his encouragement, I tried harder, and I was fortunate to be involved in many important competitions later.










上一篇:外研社版高一英语新教材必修二Unit 3知识清单

下一篇:外研社版高一英语新教材必修二Unit 4单词表和音频
