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人教版高中英语必修二Unit 2词汇转换和单词拼写专项练习-2022奇速英语冬令营报名开始

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Unit 2 Wildlife Protection


Period 1 (p14-17)

1.________ v.适应

→________ n.适应

2.________ vt.保留;预订;预留n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量)

→________ n.保留;预约;预订

3.________ n.速度;(比)率vt.划分等级

→________ n.等级;级别

4.________ n.美;美人;美好的东西

→________ adj.美丽的

→________ v.美化

5.________ n.威胁

→________ v.威胁;恐吓

→________ adj.威胁的;恐吓的

→________ adj.受到威胁的

6.________ ⅵ.存在;生存

→________ n.存在

7.________ n.和谐;融洽

→________ adj.和谐的;和睦的

8.________ n.措施;方法vt.测量;度量;估量

→________ n.尺寸;度量

9.________ vt.观察(到);注视;遵守

→________ n.观察;观察力

10.________ n.&v.攻击;抨击

11.________ vt.去除;移开;脱去


12.________ vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心n.恐慌;警报;警报器

→________ adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的

13.________ adj.已灭绝的

→________ n.灭绝

14.________ adj.不合法的;非法的

→________ adj.合法的

→________ adv.不合法地;非法地

15.________ vt.使遭受危险;危害

→________ n.危险

→________ adj.危险的

16.________ vt.涉及;让……担忧n.(尤指许多人共同的)担心,忧虑;关爱,关心

→________ adj.担心的;关切的

17.________ v.打猎搜寻;追捕

→________ n.猎人

18.________ n.(动植物的)生活环境;栖息地

→________ v.居住在;栖息于

19.________ n.平均数;平均水平adj.平均的;正常的;普通的

Period 2 (p18) 

1.________ n.网adj.净得的;纯的v.净得;得到

2.________ v.减少

→________ n.减少;缩小;削减

3.________ n.鹿


4.________ n.功能;作用v.运转;起作用

→________ adj.功能的;实用的

Period 3 (p19-21)

1.________ adv.立刻

→________ adj.立即的;直接的

2.________ n.感情;情感;情绪

→________ adj.情绪的;情感的

3.________ n.皮;皮肤

→________ adj.皮包骨的;极瘦的

4.________ adj.特别的;不寻常的

→________ adj.平常的;通常的

5.________ n.西藏

→________ n.西藏人;藏族人;藏语adj.西藏的;藏语的;藏族(人)的

6.________ adj.大量的;广泛的n.大量;堆;群

Period 4 (p22-24)

1.________ n.设备;装备

→________ v.装备;配备

2.________ n.提议;出价v.提供;出价;主动提出

3.________ n.&v.援救;营救

→________ n.救援者;救助者

4.________ v.采纳;收养

→________ n.采纳;收养

5.________ n.目标;目的;瞄准v.旨在;瞄准

→________ adj.无目标的


1.The asked me to design a __________(海报) for the campaign.

2.The disappearance of many ___________(物种) of plants and animals worried many scientists.

3.Many believe that __________(鲨鱼) can never be endangered because they are the strongest in their food chain.

4.They have even asked governments to develop laws to stop the sale of shark __________(鳍).

5.What __________(究竟) are we doing to our planet?

6.Because the climate is becoming worse, several species ________ already _______ ______(灭亡).

7.What star ___________(等级) does this restaurant have?

8.Between 150 and 200 species are becoming _________(灭绝的) every day.

9.A __________(大量) of snow and rocks were falling down the mountain.

10.Their latest product is aimed at the __________(大量的) market.

11.Many species are in danger of extinction because their natural __________(栖息地) is destroyed.

12.We must make people ___________(意识到) the problem and help protect the endangered wildlife before it's too late!

13.Most people walk at an __________(平均的) rate of 5 kilometres an hour.

14.Princess Diana was a commoner before marrying the ____________(王子).

15.Unless you improve your study habits, you can't _______________(取得进步) in physics.

16.Now more and more people show much___________(担心) for our environment.

17.We are taking ___________(措施) to prevent drunk driving in the city.

18.___________(鲸) are now an endangered species and in need of conservation.

19.In order to save Tibetan antelope, some countries have created ___________(保护区) where they can live in peace and safety.

20.On the __________(平原) in front of us, we can just make out a herd of graceful animals.

21.I heard the voices, but couldn't ___________(听清) what they were saying.

22.Zhangjiajie is famous for its outstanding natural _________(美).

23.To protect wild animals, let’s stop wearing _________(皮草).

24.In India the cow is considered ___________(神圣的).

25.We gained a lot of ___________(利益) from your advice.

26.Many local people believe the development _________(profit) them in the future.

27.Electronic monitors would ___________(监督) the public areas so that there would be little crime.

28.The patient has been attended on by nurses _____________(夜以继日) since the operation.

29.Drugs has become a major _________(威胁) to our society.

30.Only when we learn to exist in ___________(和谐) with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.

31.We should not buy ___________(商品) made from endangered animals.

32.Oil spills[石油泄露] will kill all the ______________(生物) in the area of the spill.

33._____________(袋鼠) have a pouch where babies live until they can hop[跳] around on their own.

34.I think my long and active life must be ___________(因为) the healthy life I live.

35.In the wetland of my hometown, there are many different kinds of animals, including wild birds, fish, snakes, ___________(昆虫) and so on.

36.Houses in the ___________(街区)neighbourhood of the famous middle school are extremely expensive.

37.We looked at the birds through _____________(双筒望远镜).

38.Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside ______________(搜索) work in the cities.

39.Many ___________(海豚) can dive to depths of 2000 metres.

40.Take the _________(皮) off before you eat the orange.

41.These large animals are being killed__________(illegal) for their body parts that are considered valuable.

42.As a child I learned________(hunt) and fish.

43.The ___________(hunt) tracked this wolf and killed it.

44.He answered the phone ___________(immediate).

45.The disease has spread at an ____________(alarm) rate.

46.China and India ______________(rate) as the two other most attractive markets.

47.In order to save this species from ___________(extinct), the Chinese government placed it under national protection.

48.Power politics ______________(endanger) world peace and development.

49.As a warmhearted person, she always__________(concern) herself with social welfare.

50.As far as I am ___________(concern), educators should be __________(concern) about the problems that are __________(concern) with the healthy growth of children.

51.As the economy develops, the ____(live) conditions of the people have been improved accordingly.

52.I find it very difficult ___________(adapt) myself to the climate in the high mountains.

53.The river ___________(measure) about two metres across.

54.The ____________(authority) are under pressure to build elephant parks and tell people not to buy elephant products.

55.She was unable to attend the party because of the __________(press) of work.

56.I could __________(plain) see him turning his head to right and left.

57.Our teachers took us on field trips __________(observe) plants and animals.

58.I feel it is necessary for me _____________(remind) him _________ the meeting today.

59.His father ___________(shoot) by someone trying to rob his small retail shop.

60.My computer ________ just ________ ________(attack) by an unknown virus and it can’t work now.       

61.Scientists are trying to find drugs that are ___________(effect) against cancer.

62.She didn't see anything suddenly but quickly ____________(recover) her sight.

63.Three students ___________(remove) from the school for cheating in the exam .

64.I looked carefully at the text and realized that it __________(intend) for women in the countryside.  

65.If their habitat __________(threaten) or they cannot find enough food, their numbers may decrease.

66.However, the attacks on them will continue as long as interest in buying elephant products__________ (exist).

67.Giving up smoking ___________(reduce) the risk of heart disease.

68.The book really _________(stir) my imagination.

69.They expressed mixed __________(emotion) at the news.

70.During these wonderful travels, I travel to ___________(usual) places and work with people from all over the world.




Period 1 (p14-17) 

1.adapt v.适应

→adaptation n.适应

2.reserve vt.保留;预订;预留n.(动植物)保护区;储藏(量)

→reservation n.保留;预约;预订

3.rate n.速度;(比)率vt.划分等级

→rating n.等级;级别 n.美;美人;美好的东西

→beautiful adj.美丽的

→beautify v.美化

5.threat n.威胁

→threaten v.威胁;恐吓

→threatening adj.威胁的;恐吓的

→threatened adj.受到威胁的

6.exist ⅵ.存在;生存

→existence n.存在

7.harmony n.和谐;融洽

→harmonious adj.和谐的;和睦的

8.measure n.措施;方法vt.测量;度量;估量

→measurement n.尺寸;度量

9.observe vt.观察(到);注视;遵守

→observation n.观察;观察力

10.attack n.&v.攻击;抨击

11.remove vt.去除;移开;脱去


12.alarm vt.使惊恐;使害怕;使担心n.恐慌;警报;警报器

→alarming adj.惊人的;使人惊恐的

13.extinct adj.已灭绝的

→extinction n.灭绝

14.illegal adj.不合法的;非法的

→legal adj.合法的

→illegally adv.不合法地;非法地

15.endanger vt.使遭受危险;危害

→danger n.危险

→dangerous adj.危险的

16.concern vt.涉及;让……担忧 n.(尤指许多人共同的)担心,忧虑;关爱,关心

→concerned adj.担心的;关切的

17.hunt v.打猎搜寻;追捕

→hunter n.猎人

18.habitat n.(动植物的)生活环境;栖息地

→inhabit v.居住在;栖息于

19.average n.平均数;平均水平adj.平均的;正常的;普通的

Period 2 (p18) n.网adj.净得的;纯的v.净得;得到

2.reduce v.减少

→reduction n.减少;缩小;削减

3.deer n.鹿


4.function n.功能;作用v.运转;起作用

→functional adj.功能的;实用的

Period 3 (p19-21)

1.immediately adv.立刻

→immediate adj.立即的;直接的

2.emotion n.感情;情感;情绪

→emotional adj.情绪的;情感的 n.皮;皮肤

→skinny adj.皮包骨的;极瘦的

4.unusual adj.特别的;不寻常的

→usual adj.平常的;通常的

5.Tibet n.西藏

→Tibetan n.西藏人;藏族人;藏语adj.西藏的;藏语的;藏族(人)的

6.mass adj.大量的;广泛的n.大量;堆;群

Period 4 (p22-24) n.设备;装备

→equip v.装备;配备

2.offer n.提议;出价v.提供;出价;主动提出

3.rescue n.&v.援救;营救

→rescuer n.救援者;救助者

4.adopt v.采纳;收养

→adoption n.采纳;收养

5.aim n.目标;目的;瞄准v.旨在;瞄准

→aimless adj.无目标的


1.poster;2.species;3.sharks;4.fins;5.on earth;6.have died out;7.rating;8.extinct;9.mass;10.mass;11.habitat;12.aware of;13.average;14.prince;15.make progress;16.concern;17.measures;18.whales;19.reserves;20.plain;21.make out;;23.fur;24.sacred;

25.profit;26.will profit; over; and night;29.threat;30.harmony;31.goods;

32.creatures;33.kangaroos;34.due to;35.insects;36.neighbourhood;37.binoculars; search for;39.dolphins;;41.illegally; hunt;43.hunter;44.immediately;45.alarming;46.were rated;47.extinction;48.will endanger;49.concerns;50.concerned; concerned; concern;(as far as sb is concerned 就……而言;concerned about对......关切的;为......担忧的;be concerned with…涉及……,与……相关);; adapt;53.measures;54.authorities;55.pressure;56.plainly; observe; remind;of;59.was shot;60.has been attacked;61.effective;62.recovered;63.were removed;64.was intended; threatened;66.exists;67.reduces;68.stirred;69.emotions;70.unusual;











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