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人教版高中英语选择性必修四Unit 2同步练习参加奇速英语思维阅读营有什么效果?

作者:未知 时间:2021-12-31 阅读:( )

*Unit 2 Iconic Attractions*


1.The designers were allowed a lot of creative ____ (许可).

2.Thousands of people have written to us for a free ________(样品).

3.The books now are _________ (分发)to the students in need.

4.Most kids will go through a ________(阶段)of being faddy about what they eat.

5.The swallows are building a _______(巢穴) under the roof of our house.

6.She claims that _______(暴力的) films are polluting the minds of our children.

7.Traffic accidents in this area are taking place with increasing ____ (频率).

8.Stock prices managed some solid gains on Monday despite another choppy _______(一段时间).

9.Scientists have ____ (预测) that the world's population will double by the end of the century

10.Mary worked here as a ________(暂时的) secretary and ended up getting a full­time job with the company.



1.If you are late again, you will be d____.

2.That fat woman looked r____in her tight golden dress.

3.The real d____of a man lies in what he is, not in what he has.

4.We all have an interest in maintaining the i____of the ecosystem.

5.Ministers of the two countries d____their support for the peaceful talks.

6.He used the cardboard box to make a t____shelter for the kitten  

7.The branch has separated from the t____of the tree.

8.The postal department d____the mails by district.

9.It's the most enigmatic prehistoric m____on earth.

10.He is knowledgeable about the b____of the honeybee.



1.I picked up a _________(hand) of letters and began to open them.

2.The young man was charged with robbery with _________(violent).

3.The government ___________(hatch) out a new plan to deal with rising prices.

4.He had no sense of shame and never felt ____ (guilt).

5.He wants to change his ____ (appoint) from Monday to Wednesday.

6.My ____ (calculate) is based on notional figures, since the actual figures are not yet available.

7.The ____ (divide) between the various classes of society are not so sharply marked as they used to be.

8.The act of ____ (violent) made people boil with anger.

9.Higher-income parents tended to have children play with puzzles more __________(frequent).

10.China's vast plains____ (distribute) mainly in the eastern part of the country along the seacoast.



1.Some people waste food________.

有些人浪费粮食, 然而有些人却吃不饱。

2.________ tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world.


3.________ is that everybody seemed to be very indifferent to her.


4.Approximately 45 percent of the world's population ________ mosquitoes transmit malaria.


5.___________________, you can e-mail me at any time. 

如果你对中国民间艺术感兴趣, 你可以随时给我发邮件。



I am a boy who prefers 1_____(travel) rather than stay at home.Ever since middle school,I 2_____(make) up my mind to make a journey around China.However,I was too busy to organize 3_____ journey then.It was after graduating from university 4_____ I finally got the chance to make my dream come true.My mother cared 5_____ my safety so much that she tried to persuade me to go with my classmates.In her view,being too stubborn was one of my 6_____(shortcoming).However,I insisted I 7_____(travel) on my own.
I was fond of 8_____(cycle),so I was determined to travel by bicycle.9_____ I knew there would be many difficulties to go through,I would never give up.Nothing would be hard 10_____(deal) with for a boy who is determined.



Seal Island is a 200­meter long island in South Africa,which is surrounded by 55 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit waters and covered with over 60,000 seals and some birds.This island has been home to many birds and seals.You may think this island is a paradise.In fact,the island is not famous for the seals or birds.However,the real stars are the great white sharks that leap out of the water to catch the seals they are hunting.
You may think that there is no way for a 15­foot long,3,000­pound shark to hurl its body out of the water and catch a seal in midair.Actually,these sharks are called “Air Jaws”.
Over the years,the seals have gotten smarter.Now,they go out in groups of seven or eight to feed.They swim down on the sea floor,which gives them extra camouflage(掩饰).When they have to swim near the water surface,they swim in a zigzag(之字形的) pattern.But with all these tricks,they can still be outwitted(以智取胜) by the sharks.Usually,the sharks will take one seal away from its group and force it to swim on the surface,where it is easy to hunt.Sometimes,the seal is lucky and gets away,but most of them die in the process of trying to survive.
Every year,tourists go to see these amazing animals leap out of the water,sometimes flinging(抛) their whole bodies into the air when they want to catch the seals.Some people even want to go into shark cages to see the action from below! This is the reason why this island attracts thousands of tourists around the world every year.

1.What probably makes Seal Island famous?

A.The large number of seals in the water.

B.The way the great white sharks hunt.

C.The beautiful scenery of the island.

D.The special position of the island.

2.Why do the seals swim in a zigzag pattern?

A.To save energy.

B.To warm themselves.

C.To look for food.

D.To avoid the white sharks.

3.We can infer from the third paragraph that         .

A.white sharks are dangerous animals

B.the seals are cleverer than the white sharks

C.the sharks are successful in hunting the seals

D.the seals usually swim near the water surface

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To explain why Seal Island is famous.

B.To show how white sharks hunt seals.

C.To advise us to visit Seal Island.

D.To ask us to protect animals.



假定你是李华, 你的美国朋友John对茶感兴趣。请用英语给他写一封邮件, 诚邀他参加即将在宁波举办的第九届国际茶文化节(the 9th International Tea Culture Festival), 并简要介绍茶文化节活动及我国茶的历史、茶的益处等。
2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。


一、1.license 2.sample 3.distributed 4.phase 5.nest 6.violent 7.frequency 8.session 9.calculated 10.temporary

二、1.dismissed 2.ridiculous 3.dignity 4.integrity 5.declared 6.temporary 7.trunk 8.distributes 9.monument 10.biology

三、1.handful 2 violence 3 are hatching 4.guilty 5.appointment 6.calculation 7.divisions 8.violence 9.frequently 10.are distributed

四、1.Some people waste food while others don’t have enough

2.It is known that tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world.

3.What surprised me is that everybody seemed to be very indifferent to her.

4.Approximately 45 percent of the world's population live in the climate zone where mosquitoes transmit malaria.

5.If interested (interest) in the Chinese folk art, you can e-mail me at any time. 

五、 travel 2.have made 3.the 4.that 5.about 6.shortcomings 7.(should) travel 8.cycling 9.Though/Although/While deal



Hi John, 

I’m glad you’re interested in tea.Now I have good news to tell you.The 9th International Tea Culture Festival will be held in Ningbo, a coastal city in East China from May 3 to 6.
I’d like to invite you to the festival, where you can taste all kinds of tea from across the world, and enjoy tea art shows.China has a long history of tea planting.Tea has become a green, healthy and popular drink in our daily life.People would serve you with tea when you visit their homes.
I’m sure you’d have lots of fun here.I hope you would come and experience Chinese tea culture in person.参加奇速英语思维阅读营有什么效果?








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