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寒假预习必备|高一新教材必修一Welcome unit单词和课文听力(附原文和翻译)

作者:未知 时间:2022-01-29 阅读:( )

Welcome Unit

Words and Expressions


Welcome to the unit单词听力00:00/04:31

exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ n.  交换交流 vt.  交换交流;交易兑换

lecture /ˈlektʃə(r)/ n.  讲座;讲课;教训 vi.  (开)讲座;讲课 vt. 训斥

registration /ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃn / n.  登记;注册;挂号

register/ ˈredʒɪstə(r) / vt.& vi. 登记;注册

sex /seks/ n. 性别

female /ˈfi:meɪl/ adj. ()雌的 n.  雌性动(植)物;女子

male / meɪl/  adj.  ()雄的 n.  雄性动(植)物;男子

nationality /ˌnæʃəˈnæləti/  n.  国籍民族

nation / ˈneɪʃn/  n.  国家民族国民

designer /dɪˈzaɪnə(r)/ n. 设计

design / dɪˈzaɪn /  n.  设计设计方案 vt.  设计;筹划

campus / ˈkæmpəs /  n.  校园校区

formal / ˈfɔ:ml / adj. 正式的;正规的

anxious / ˈæŋkʃəs / adj.  焦虑的不安的

annoyed /əˈnɔɪd/ adj.  恼怒的;生气的

annoy /əˈnɔɪ/ vt使恼怒;打扰

frightened /ˈfraɪtnd/ adj. 惊吓的;害怕的

p.m./ˌpi:ˈem/ abbr.(源自拉丁语)下午;午后

a.m./ˌeɪ:ˈem/ abbr.(源自拉丁语)上午;午前;午夜至正午

senior /ˈsi:niə(r)/  adj. 级别或地位)高的 n.  较年长的人

senior high school (美国)高中

at last 终于最终

outgoing / ˈaʊtgəʊɪŋ / adj.  爱交际的;外向的

impression  /ɪmˈpreʃn/ n.  印象;感想

impress /ɪmˈpres/ vt. 使钦佩;给…留下深刻的好印象  vi. 留下印象;引人注目

make an impressio留下好印象

what if 要是会怎么样呢?

guy / gaɪ / n.  小伙子;男人;家伙

concentrate / ˈkɒnsntreɪt / vi.& vt.  集中(注意力);聚集会神

concentrate on  集中精力于

experimen/ɪkˈsperɪmənt/ n.  实验;试验

leave...alone  不打扰;不惊动

awkward / ˈɔ:kwəd / adj.  令人尴尬的难对付的

junior / ˈdʒu:niə(r)/adj. 地位(或职位、级别)低下的 n.  职位较低者(体育运动中)青少年

junior high school (美国)初级中学

explore / ɪkˈsplɔ:(r)/   vt.& vi. 探索; 勘探

confident /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/  adj.  自信的;有把握的

confidence /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ n.  信心信任

forward / ˈfɔ:wəd / adv. also forwards)向前前进 adj.  向前的前进的

look forward t盼望;期待

take notes 记笔记

flash /flæʃ/ n. 信号  vi. 闪耀; 闪光;发出信号 vt. 使闪耀;发出(信号)

flash card  教学卡片;识字卡

organise  [NAmE-ize]  /'ɔ:(r)gənaɪz/ vt. 组织;筹备; 安排;组建vi. 组建;成立

organisation  [NAmE- ization]  /ˌɔ:gənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ n.  组织团体机构

goal / gəʊl / n.  目标球门;  射门

strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/ n.  策略;策划

partner / ˈpɑ:tnə(r)/ n.  同伴配偶;合伙人

improve / ɪmˈpru:v/ vi.&vt.改进;改善

curious /ˈkjʊəriəs/ adj.  好奇的求知欲强的

company / ˈkʌmpəni/ n.  公司;商行陪伴

personality / ˌpɜ:səˈnæləti / n.  性格;个性

style / staɪl/ n.  方式作风

revise / rɪˈvaɪz/ vt.& vi.  修改修订;复习


***Listening and speaking***

bixiu 1-welcome to the unit 1-listening and speaking-2.mp300:00/01:37


bixiu 1-welcome to the unit 1-listening and speaking-3.mp300:00/00:53


bixiu 1-welcome to the unit 1-listening and speaking-4.mp300:00/00:44




Conversation 1-------In the registration office.

Amy:     Good morning. My name is Amy Jones. I’m here for a student ID card

Mrwang: Nice to meet you, Amy. I'm Mr. Wang. Sit down, please. Er. Sorry,what's your last name again?

Amy:      Amy Jones.J-O-N-E-S

Mr wang: OK. Thank you. And where are you from? Amy

Amy:      I’m from the USA

Mr wang: OK. What's your student number?

Amy:      170143.

Mr wang: 170143. Got it. You're in Grade 1, aren’t you?

Amy:      Yes, I am.

Mr wang: OK. Your email address?


Mrwang: Amyj16@ pep(p-e-p) Got it. Now, stand over here, please.Smile!


{Sound of flash as photo is taken.}


Conversation 2-------ln the dining hall.

Max: Hi, Amy! How's it going?

Amy: Great. How about you?

Max: I’m good. Let’s go and sit down

{they walk to a table.}

Amy: What do you think about senior high school?

Max:So far, so good, Amy. I've had maths and English this morning. The maths class is getting more difficult but it's really interesting. It's my favourite class so far. How about you?

Amy: I think science is more fun. Chemistry is my favourite.


Conversation 3------In the adviser’s room.

Amy: Good morning, Ms Li

Ms Li: Morning, Amy. How are you doing?

Amy:Very well, thank you. Ms Li, I want to be a designer in the future, so what courses do you think I should choose?

MsLi: Oh, interesting! Well, first of all, I think an art course would be helpful to you. And there are some other courses. {Fade out.}



bixiu 1-welcome to the unit 1-Pronunciation.mp300:00/01:56



***Listening and talking***

bixiu 1-welcome to the unit 1-listening and talking-1.mp300:00/01:25


bixiu 1-welcome to the unit 1-listening and talking-2.mp300:00/01:17




A:Hi,Li Ming.Ready for the test?Do you have any study tips for me ?

L:Not really.I just listen to the teacher and take notes.

A:Oh,group work is my favourite way to learn.I’m an outgoing person,so I like to discuss things.Talking to others helps me remember things.

L:I’m not very good at group work but I have other ways of remembering things.I like using flash cards.They are really effective.

A:Hmm…Notes and flash cards…I think you’re a visual learner.

L:Yes,I guess so.I learn best when I look at pictures,so I make mind maps to organise my thoughts.I keep a learning diary ,too.I write down what I’ve learnt and my thoughts.It helps me plan my learning and what need to review for exams.

A:Ah,that’s a good idea.I want t try that! My friends and I have a study group .We talk about what we’re learning and help each other .Why don’t you join us?

L:Sure ,I’d like that.


***Reading and thinking***

bixiu 1-welcome to the unit 1-reading and thinking.mp300:00/01:45

Han Jing’s World 韩静的世界


7:00 a.m.  上午7:00 


So this is it—senior high school at last! I’m not outgoing so I’m a little anxious right now. I want to make a good first impression. Will I make any friends? What if no one talks to me?




12:30 p.m.  中午12:30


I just had my first maths class at senior high school! The class was difficult, but the teacher was kind and friendly. He even told us a funny story, and everyone laughed so much! I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.




5:32 p.m. 下午5:32


This afternoon, we had our chemistry class in the science lab. The lab is new and the lesson was great, but the guy next to me tried to talk to me the whole time. I couldn’t concentrate on the experiment. I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!




10:29 p.m. 晚上10:29


What a day! This morning, I was worried that no one would talk to me. But I was wrong. I didn’t feel awkward or frightened at all. I miss my friends from junior high school, but I believe I will make new friends here, and there’s a lot to explore at senior high. I feel much more confident than I felt this morning. I think that tomorrow will be a great day!




***Reading for writing***

Read the student profiles and discuss the questions.

bixiu 1-welcome to the unit 1-reading for writing.mp300:00/01:26

Ann, 15 安:15岁

Lakeside High School 湖滨高中 

USA 美国


My name is Ann Wells and I’m a Grade 10 student at Lakeside High School. I’m an active person and I love sports. I’m curious about everything. I often ask questions, but I learn best by doing. My favourite subject is physics. Dancing and skating are my hobbies, and I also like to read short stories. I plan to become an engineer in the future.




Thando, 16 桑多:16岁

South Hill High School 南山高中

South Africa 南非


I’m Thando Gowon. I’m 16 this year. I come from South Africa. I’m a Grade 10 student at South Hill High School. I look good, think fast, and play hard. You’ll never see me without a book or a pen. If I’m not in class, I’m either in the library or in the computer lab. At the weekends, I play computer games if I’m not busy studying. My dream is to start my own IT company!









下一篇:寒假预习必备|高一新教材必修一Unit 1知识清单
