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作者:鏈?煡 时间:2019-05-09 阅读:( )

   Thank you very much for coming back. I’m Hurricane. Today we are going to talk about passive voice in IELTS Speaking, 被动语态passive voice在口语中的应用。We have been learning passive voice since our primary school, right? 小时候的语文课,老师要求我们做句子转换,“把”字句变成“被”字句,例如,小明把苹果吃了,变成,苹果被小明吃了。very easy right? Before the class I guess you want to know why we particularly focus on Passive Voice in Speaking.为什么非要研究被动语态呢?不会被动语态就不能考雅思口语了吗?这就是我们本节课的重点,这里面先做个简答:

  1)口语4大评分标准之一是“grammatical range and accuracy”, 其中被动语态是many many students 非常容易Ignore 的一种语法结构。that is to say, 被动语态凸显你的语法多样性,加分点。

  2)passive voice is rather commonly used in western countries. 比如医生跟你说吸烟不好时,可能并不会说 Don’t smoke because smoking will kill you. Instead, they normally prefer to say “your health might be affected by smoking”。当你的导师想说你的论文写得很差时,They probably will not say “you need to improve this this and this”, instead, they might say “the title might need to be improved and the conclusion part may need to be shortened.”


  So, now, are you clear of the importance of Passive Voice in oral English? Passive Voice will be needed in your performance during IELTS Speaking test.



  Alright, now let’s have a close look at how passive voice can be used, and how can we convert active voice to passive voice? 如何把主动语态,转换成被动语态


  step 1: 确定主A、谓B、宾C(比如 Leo broke the car,主语是Leo,谓语动词是broke,宾语名词是the car)

  step 2: 重置主谓宾位置成 C、B、A (也就是 the car, broke, Leo)

  step 3:调整动词的格式(时态、被动形式)(The car was broken by Leo。因为这里面的动作break是过去发生的,所以是was, 而不是is。)

  I guess you are now able to use passive voice effectively, but why do we want to use it?


  被动语态passive voice究竟有哪些功能和作用呢?

  作用1:体现语法多样性(grammatical range and accuracy)


  问:How do you keep your photos?

  答:Basically, I keep my photos in my mobile phone.

  被动:Basically, my photos are kept in my mobile phone.


  作用2:语气更加客观。当我们不想明确提及某些人、物(也就是动作的发出者)时,就可以巧妙地使用passive voice来达到这个目的。比如,


  答:Actually, I just had no choice. I was kind of forced to do so. And, I have to say I don’t really have much interest in science or engineering, because I prefer literature. 这里面就巧妙避开了回家被父母开骂的危险了,因为很明显高考那会能逼自己选这个专业的 只有父母        啦,对不对。


  再比如,小学的时候语文课 Chinese class, 学习过一篇文章,讲述列宁去姑妈家做客,打碎了花瓶。诚实的列宁同学对姑妈说:I’m sorry, I broke the vase.

  换做小时候的调皮捣蛋的你,你可能会跟你姑妈说:Look, the vase was broken.花瓶呗打破了。巧妙避开了责任,对吧。

  okay, so Let’s take a look at another example:


       考官问:What problems can vehicles bring to the environment?

  回答:I think using vehicles massively can cause many environmental problems.

  转化成被动:I suppose many environmental problems can be caused by using vehicles massively.


        最后,我们再看一个完整的高分示例中,被动语态passive voice 的应用吧:

  Part 3里面的一个问题:What’s the difference between teenagers and children?




  C: Well, I guess there are quite a lot of differences between them.

  A: The major differences are their hobbies and interests.

  D: To be more specific, most children choose toys as their pets. You know, young girls may particularly like Barbie dolls and colourful clothes, while young boys normally favour games like jigsaw. In contrast, teenagers are very much different, because they often regard things like computer games and sports such as basketball and soccer as their must-haves.



  C: Well, I guess there are quite a lot of differences between them.

  A: The major differences can be seen in their hobbies and interests.

  D: To be more specific, toys have been chosen by most children as their pets. You know, young girls may particularly like Barbie dolls and colourful clothes, while games like jigsaw are normally favoured by young boys. In contrast, teenagersare very much different, because things like computer games and sports such as basketball and soccer are often regarded as their must-haves.



