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作者:未知 时间:2020-05-07 阅读:( )



1.People think that Jim is    honest child. 

A.a        C.the    D./


2.—   have you been away from Yang Zhou,Janet? 

—  5 years. 

A.How long;Since   B.How long;For    

C.How far;Since  D.How far;For


3.Don’t eat too much    food,or you will have a toothache. 

A.healthy  B.fresh     C.soft  D.sweet


4.—Be careful when you are driving,   in a rainstorm like this. 

—Thanks.I will.

A.seriously  B.exactly    C.especially  D.probably


5.Ben is a foreign teacher.So far,he   in Shiyan for five years. 

A.was teaching   B.has taught         

C.will teach    D.taught


6.—I don’t know where to go this summer vacation.

—Why not    visiting your grandparents.They miss you so much. 

A.suggest  B.wonder   C.consider  D.regard


7.Basketball is so popular a game that  people play it for fun and exercise. 

A.million of  B.millions of          

C.millions   D.two millions


8.Rose finished her study in the university and went to  a good job. 

A.take after  B.look after for for


9.  ,I don’t think this coat suits you. 

A.To my surprise  B.To be honest    

C.To start with   D.To begin with


10.He is a great scientist.He never regards his physical problems  terrible problems. 

A.for   B.of  D.about


11.—I haven’t been back to my hometown for years.

—  .You must miss your parents very much. 

A.Of course  B.I’m afraid so     

C.No,you haven’t D.It’s a shame


12.—What a nice watch!How long    you    it? 

—For just two days.

A.will;buy  B.have;had    

C.were;having D.did;buy


13.Because of losing his job,Jack is considering    a new one. 

A.find find  C.finding D.finds


14.   the news I hear,he will have a big birthday party tomorrow. 

A.Because of  B.In order to    

C.According to  D.Thanks to


15.It’s nice to see you again.We    each other since 2014. 

A.won’t see      B.don’t see   

C.haven’t seen    D.didn’t see




Most kids have nothing to worry about except homework and basketball matches.But things are 16.   for the kids who have lost their parents.17.   these is Milly Bell,a nine-year-old girl from Exeter,England.She is doing something to make life 18. 

   better for children like her. 


A few years ago,Milly’s father 19.   a serious disease.Milly was very sad and thought that only bad things happened to her.Her mother told her that 20.   a lot of kids like her,however.So Milly began to think,“21.   can I help other children if they are also losing someone?” 


Sadly,Milly’s father 22.   since 2006.Then,Milly found a way to help other children.She has written a book 23.   My Daddy is Dying. 


“Although I’m still sad and often think of Daddy,it 24.   easier as time has gone by.I know it’s important to speak out and cry about my feelings,25.   when I feel sad.” Milly said.“I hope this helps other children get through the same thing,and lets them know that they are not the only ones.” 


16.A.the same     B.different   C.difficult   D.possible

17.A.With  B.Inside  C.Between D.Among

18.A.a bit     B.a few C.a little of D.a bit of

19.A.had   B.have C.has  D.has had

20.A.there are  B.there is    C.there were D.there was

21.A.What   B.How  C.Who   D.Why

22.A.died B.has died dead  D.has been dead

23.A.called B.calling called D.has called

24.A.become B.became    C.has become D.becomes

25.A.usually B.especially C.suddenly  D.recently





One of my best friends went abroad to enjoy her holidays,so the job of looking after her dog Missy has been given to me.A few months ago,Missy came to my friend’s house.She looked terrible.She has been abused for a long time.


When we first visited my friend and Missy,my friend had to gently pull her over on a lead(牵绳)to get her to come to us.She wanted to come but afraid to do so—the poor,beautiful thing.Clearly Missy came to the right home.My friend has given birth to a baby of her own and shows the love of a mother.This is just what Missy needs.Thanks to the love of my friend,she has changed into a new dog step by step.Sadly,she is still afraid of strange humans.I hate to imagine what the dog must have gone through.


Now,Missy trusts me completely,so I can touch her berry(肚皮).While standing,she will jump up so gently to be closer to me,putting her paws(爪子)on my legs as she looks at me with both beautiful eyes.


Missy is really brave.She has the courage to try again,to open her heart,and to know that not everyone is the same kind of people as before.Keep it in mind that tomorrow is another day.


26.The underlined word “abused” in the first paragraph means  . 

A.保护 B.喂养 C.虐待 D.挨饿


27.The writer felt    when she first saw Missy. 

A.proud and relaxed 

B.sorry and caring

C.afraid and angry 

D.sad and disappointed


28.The writer thought it was good for Missy to stay with her friend   . 

A.because her friend could offer the love of a mother to Missy

B.because her friend had more free time to take care of Missy

C.because her friend stayed long at home and felt quite lonely

D.because her friend helped Missy to accept different people


29.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us   . 

A.the writer has learned the skills to communicate with Missy

B.the writer has made Missy understand and follow her orders

C.the writer has succeeded in winning the trust of Missy

D.the writer has come to realize that Missy is a beautiful dog


30.According to the passage,what is the writer’s suggestion?   

A.No future in the past.

B.Every dog has its day.

C.All efforts will pay off.

D.Never too late to mend.



Mick Polly,an owner of a toy store,lives with his teenage daughter Carolina in Kentucky.He is known as the Bike Man.Over the past five years,Mick has repaired hundreds of bikes for needy kids.


One day in 2012,a 13-year-old boy with a broken bike walked by Mick’s house.“I was working in my garage(车库),and he asked if I could fix it,” says Mick,now 53.


The boy’s bike had a broken wheel.Mick sent a post(帖子)on Facebook,asking his friends if they had the needed part.One friend saw the post and gave away two used bikes.Mick took parts from each to build a new set of wheels for the boy.


Soon after,Mick repaired a bike for the boy’s brother and fixed one for his sister.Word spread,and during the year,he had fixed up lots of bikes for local kids whose parents were not able to afford new ones.


“People are throwing away bikes day and night,” says Mick.

Mick puts the bikes and bike parts in his garage.“I take off the good tires or the handlebars or the seats and use them,” he says.


Up to now,the bike man has repaired hundreds of bikes and given away nearly 700 newly repaired bikes.They’re free,but the kids must agree to two things:They have to learn how to put waste things to good use and they have to try their best to study in school.


If a kid’s grades are low,Mick requires a teacher’s note “saying that you’re doing your best,” Mick says.Mick also hopes the bikes will get kids off the sofa.“When I was growing up,we all rode our bikes,” he says.“Hopefully these kids can get some exercise.”


31.Why is Mick known as the Bike Man?   

A.Because he’s good at riding a bike.

B.Because his bikes sell well.

C.Because his daughter likes bikes. 

D.Because he’s repaired bikes for needy kids.


32.In order to find the needed part,Mick   . 

A.sent a post on Facebook

B.called his friends for help

C.searched his garage 

D.went to many bike shops


33.The underlined word “ones” refers to(指代)  . 

A.wheels  B.bikes C.seats D.garages


34.By repairing and giving away bikes,Mick expects the kids to   . 

①have a rest in the sofa ②study hard

③recycle waste things ④get high marks

⑤exercise more ⑥learn to repair bikes

A.②③⑤  B.①④⑥  C.③④⑤  D.①②⑥


35.Which can be the best title for the passage?   

A.Mick Polly’s Garage 

B.“New” Bikes and a Heart

C.A Successful Businessman

D.Health from Riding Bikes




Li Shizhen was born in 1518.His father was a person who was interested in Chinese medicine.Li Shizhen often saw that people fell ill.He decided to study medicine so that he could help people who were ill.


Li Shizhen read many books about medicine.He found many of the old medical books were full of mistakes.So his wish was to write a new one.


He did his best to study medical science.He studied not only herbs(草药)in his garden,but also the wild ones.He set out to collect herbs and talk with old peasants.He learned a lot from curing(治疗)patients.


After many years of hard work and study,Li Shizhen finished his great workBen Cao Gang Mu(《本草纲目》).At that time he was sixty.His book is now one of the greatest contributions(贡献)of the Chinese people to the medical science of the world.


36.Li Shizhen’s father was     in Chinese medicine. 

37.Li Shizhen decided to study medicine because he wanted to help the    . 

38.Li Shizhen found that there were some         in the old medical books.

39.Ben Cao Gang Mu is a book about        

40.Li Shizhen made great      to people all over the world in the medical field. 





Have you heard of a living library?Your answer is probably “no”.There is such a library in my 41.  ,Beijing. 


In a living library,readers can 42.    and return books as they do in a normal one,but the “books” in it are real people.They share their stories and ideas with readers.Some stories are even about their 43.   .Many people like spending time there,44.    on weekends. 


“From here we get to know people with stories to share and also to understand who they are and the way they live,” said Li Xingning,the owner of the living library.“45.    I was a little child,I have always dreamed of being a librarian.Now I have 46.     a library.” 


47.    the “living books”,a man named Yu Shi is a street singer.He used to live a vagabond(流浪汉)life 48.    nine months.He made a living by singing on the street. 


“To be 49.   ,I really like the job.I’m 50.     starting a library like this in my hometown soon,” said Li. 




51.There is a hospital opposite our school.(改为同义句)

There is a hospital           our school. 

52.He joined the army last year.(改为同义句)

He             the army for a year. 

53.She has been a flight attendant       .(对画线部分提问) 

              she     a flight attendant? 

54.I’m not a student any longer.(改为同义句)

I’m          a student. 

55.My grandpa died three years ago.(改为同义句)

My grandpa                for three years. 




           ,I fell in love with Tokki when I first saw her last summer. 


I love my dog and I will never            him. 


Please call me when you are        . 


He         work at every store yesterday. 


Everything went off            the plan. 










1~5 BBDCB  6~10 CBDBC 11~15 DBCCC



16~20 BDAAC   21~25 BDACB



26~30 CBACA  31~35 DABAB



36. interested 


38. mistakes

39. medicine





41. hometown  42. borrow 

43. childhood 44. especially 

45. Since 

46. owned  47. Among 

48. for  49. honest 

50. considering  



51. across   from 

52. has   been   in 

53. How   long   has    been 

54.  no    longer 

55.  has   been   dead 




56.To     be    honest 

57. part  with  

58. in   need 

59. searched   for 

60. according  to 



My favorite thing from childhood is a toy bear.I have had it for ten years.My mother gave it to me on my fifth birthday. 

I like it very much because it is so cute.It’s special to me because I used to play with it almost every day until I was ten years old.I thought it was one of my best friends. 

The toy bear has left me so many memories.I remember when I was six years old,I would never go to bed without it.Now,I don’t want to give it up,but to be honest,I have to.Because I’m getting older! 








