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作者:未知 时间:2020-11-23 阅读:( )

Day 1

Kids are getting too fat

More children in China are putting on weight. In 2018, 16 percent of Chinese children and teenagers were overweight or obese (肥胖的), according to the National Health Commission. Being too fat is bad for children's health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), overweight and obese children are more likely to develop diseases like diabetes (糖尿病) at a younger age. This can lead to a higher chance of premature (过早的) death. On Oct 23, the National Health Commission, together with five other national departments (部门), worked out a plan to prevent and control obesity. The plan aims to cut the average annual (每年的) growth rate of obesity among children aged 0-18 years by 70 percent from 2020 to 2030, Xinhua reported. Kids are putting on weight because of changes in their diet and lifestyle, according to experts. Too much schoolwork and greater use of electronic devices (电子产品) could also be a cause. According to the plan, teachers should not allow their classes to run too late or too early. They should make sure that students have breaks and enough physical activity. Primary and secondary school students should have at least three hours of vigorous (剧烈的) physical activity each week. Parents should reduce their children's use of electronic devices and stop their children from eating foods that are high in sugar, fat and salt.

1. Paragraph 2 is about _____.A. a recent WHO reportB. the causes of childhood obesityC. Chinese children's obesity rateD. the effects of being too fat

2. The NHC worked out the plan to _____.A. improve students' PE scoresB. stop children from getting sickC. stop children from getting fatD. encourage children to live happily

3. The plan suggests that schools should _____.A. give children more time to exerciseB. stop children from using electronic devicesC. stop children from eating junk foodD. force obese children to lose weight

4. What is the story mainly about?A. Chinese people's health conditions.B. Why Chinese children love junk food.C. What Chinese students do during their breaks.D. Action that China is taking to reduce childhood obesity.

Day 2

Victoria opens up


Oct 26 was a big day for people in Victoria, the second most populated state in Australia. Following a drop in new COVID-19 cases, the premier (州长) of Victoria lifted (撤销) one of the longest lockdowns in the world – nearly five months. Starting from Oct 28, we were allowed to leave our homes and go back to normal. The premier even shared a happy face with a doughnut (甜甜圈) on Facebook. Restaurants and bars were quickly filled. Stores were crowded with shoppers. And we were no longer stuck in our homes. The funniest part was that there was a long line in front of every barbershop. All of the men whose hair had been growing wildly for months were finally able to get a haircut. They could say goodbye to their sloppy selves (邋遢的自己). Last weekend, I went out to meet up with my friend. As we held hands and walked past each familiar (熟悉的) store, I felt like the past months had been a dream. But something did change. We put on weight, menus were changed and hand sanitizer (洗手液) was everywhere. They reminded us that the world had been turned upside-down (天翻地覆) in 2020. We deserve to celebrate a bit, but we still need to be careful, as the virus is still spreading. All we can do is to recover (恢复) from it and live with it.

1. Why was Oct 26 a big day for people in Victoria?______________________________________

2. How long did Victoria's lockdown last? _______________________________________

3. What did people in Victoria do after the lockdown was lifted?_______________________________________

4. Why were there long lines in front of barber shops?_______________________________________

5. How did the writer feel after going out with her friend?_______________________________________

6. What does the writer remind us about at the end of her story?_______________________________________

Day 3

Recess and lunch are our big breaks

As a Chinese student, you probably have morning exercises at school each day. We don't have this in US schools. I found out about this cultural difference the first day I was in China. My first apartment (公寓) was right next to an elementary school (小学) and I saw the students doing their morning exercises. In the US, however, only elementary (from kindergarten to 4th grade) and middle school (5th – 6th grade) students have exercise time like this. We call it "recess (课间休息)". It's a short daily play period (30 to 45 minutes) where we can play on the playground. My friends and I would play kickball (美式足垒球) and build forts (堡垒) out of big tree branches (树枝) that we found in the woods next to our playground. And in winter, we would sled down (乘雪橇滑下) a big icy hill behind our school. In junior high (7th – 8th grade) and high school (9th – 12th grade), things are different. We have to move between many different classrooms, as each subject has a different teacher and a different classroom. We have a few minutes between each class to get our books and chat a bit – but only a few minutes. We're in class almost the entire (全部的) time we're at school. Except for (除了) our one big break – lunch. Junior high and high school students get as much as an hour, sometimes even a little more, to eat and hang out. In my school, older students (grades 11 and 12) were even allowed to go off-campus (离开学校) for meals. Those who had driver's licenses and cars could drive around our town, listening to music and eating fast food. It was a fun break in the middle of those long school days.

1. What did the writer learn just after moving to China? A. Students do morning exercises at school.B. Students have long breaks between classes.C. Chinese kids are good at sports.D. Chinese kids like to do morning exercises.

2. Paragraph 2 is mainly about _____.A. why the writer liked recess as a childB. what recess in the US is likeC. how US students do their morning exercisesD. what the writer's favorite exercise is

3. In the US, students in grades 7 to 12 don't have recess because _____.A. they have little time between classesB. they are no more interested in exercisingC. they have to do homework during their breaksD. they can exercise during PE class instead

4. From the last paragraph, we know that _____.A. US students have their lunch at schoolB. US students don't eat much during lunchC. the older students get, the busier they areD. high school students get a long lunch break

Day 4

Is anybody out there?


When you look into the night sky, you might not think that there's someone out there looking right back at you. But a new study says that there are more than 1,000 stars (恒星) in direct (直接的) line of sight to Earth that might have life. That is to say, life on the planets that orbit (绕轨道运行) these stars would also be able to see our planet. There might be aliens watching us! Lisa Kaltenegger, the lead author (主要作者) of the study, said we can see some of these stars from right here on Earth without telescopes (望远镜). Kaltenegger found that there are about 1,000 stars that are not only close enough for us to see, but also have some of the same qualities (特质) as our own sun. For now, we have no idea if there really is life on the planets that orbit these stars. However, researchers will be able to start scanning (扫描) the atmospheres (大气) of these planets with the help of NASA's James Webb Space Telescope next year. The scans could turn up signs (迹象) of life on these planets. "If we're looking for intelligent life (智慧生物) in the universe that could find us and might want to get in touch, we've just created the star map of where we should look first," Kaltenegger said.

1. Which of the following is TRUE?A. There are aliens in outer space.B. There are over 1,000 stars that directly face Earth.C. We cannot see any stars without telescopes.D. There is life on the planets that orbit some stars.

2. Life might exist on planets near some of the stars because _____.A. the stars are similar to our sunB. the stars are close to EarthC. we can see the stars without telescopesD. the stars have similar atmospheres to Earth

3. To see if there is life on other planets, scientists _____.A. will send spacecraft to find signs of lifeB. will use a telescope to scan for signs of lifeC. will scan the atmospheres of the starsD. will help NASA invent new telescopes

4. What do we know from the last paragraph?A. It's important to look for life in space.B. We need to create a star map for the whole universe.C. There must be intelligent life in the universe.D. The stars we've discovered might help us find life in space.

Day 5

More than 700 years ago, Scotland was fighting with England. The King of England wanted to control Scotland. He had a strong army (军队), so it was 1 for the Scots to fight back. Scotland lost many battles. Eventually, King Robert of Scotland had to 2 from the English army. One rainy day, King Robert 3 in a cave (洞穴). He thought that he was not good enough to be the king. He was so 4 that he didn't even see the spider near him. He looked up when he saw the spider climbing. It was trying to climb up to its web (蛛网) at the top of the cave, but it 5 . "How sad!" thought King Robert. "The spider is like me. It's not strong enough." He watched while the spider 6 again. It fell down a second time. "Be careful, little spider," he said. "Life is so hard. You'll 7 get back to your web." But the spider tried again and again. King Robert watched while it slowly climbed back to its web. After an hour, the spider 8 the web. "You are really great," the king said. "If you can keep trying, I can too. I must carry on fighting."Then the king's army grew stronger and successfully 9 the English army. Nobody knows if this is a true story. Many parents tell it to their children because they want their children to learn how to 10 challenges and setbacks (挫折).

1. A. difficult B. important C. interesting D. traditional2. A. jump B. keep C. arrive D. run3. A. built B. hid C. dug D. flew4. A. worried B. excited C. short D. tall5. A. turned up B. fell down C. took off D. showed up6. A. cried B. died C. tried D. lied7. A. sometimes B. always C. never D. often8. A. left B. reached C. broke D. spread9. A. forgot B. caught C. joined D. stopped10. A. deal with B. spend on C. stand up D. look for


Day 1: DCADDay 2: 1. Because the state's lockdown was lifted.2. Nearly five months.3. They went out to eat, went shopping and enjoyed being outside.4. Because people couldn't get their hair cut during the lockdown.5. The world has changed a lot.6. The virus is still spreading and we need to be careful.Day 3: ABADDay 4: BABDDay 5: 1-5 ADBAB 6-10 CCBDA







